Manager Set Up A Meeting With Union Rep

Nurses General Nursing

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So I received a text message from one of my manager's yesterday telling me they've booked a meeting with the union for my next day shift. That's 2 days from now. When I asked what it was about she just said it's not an accusatory meeting and that she just wants to review something together, not to panic, no prep required.

Uuuh like yeah, I'm panicking because that doesn't deny if its a reprimanding or an investigation, I can't eat, can't sleep. I had so much other stuff I needed to get done in the next 2 days and now all I can think about is this meeting and what it's about.

Honestly, even thinking about just calling in sick because that is what this is doing to me. Looking for opinions/advice and also wondering if I could get in trouble for calling in sick to avoid this meeting that was sprung on me from no where.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
PsychNurse6083 said:

Had everything to do with me, the others were different things. A patient reported me after a week later for not being compassionate or empathic enough although I was completly taken aback once I realized which patient it was because I had tended to her every demand and she basically told management that she was scared to ask me for anything ?

Been there, done that. Except in my situation, the patient reported me because I reminded her of her estranged niece. When the charge nurse reassigned her, she pitched a fit because that took away her punching bag. 

Reporting you is a common power move of a manipulative individual, such as a borderline or narcissistic personality disorder. Chart any conflicts or unreasonable behavior.

PsychNurse6083 said:

Had everything to do with me,

I still think your manager called the union rep to protect you because she recognized BS when she sees it. She's obligated to investigate or at least go through the motions. 

Specializes in Critical Care.
PsychNurse6083 said:

Had everything to do with me, the others were different things. A patient reported me after a week later for not being compassionate or empathic enough although I was completly taken aback once I realized which patient it was because I had tended to her every demand and she basically told management that she was scared to ask me for anything ?

Sounds like you have a control freak jerk of a manager who wanted to make you sweat instead of being up front with you in the first place!  You are lucky you have a union at least so she can't totally railroad you. 

We briefly had a manger like that and she had told the new grads she was going to get rid of the older nurses and started harassing up with bogus write ups and it was the same way a mysterious message about a concern.  First person she did this to it was while she was on vacation!  I never gave her my cell so she emailed me and I inquired about what the concern was about as I wasn't aware of any and let her know I was aware that she had targeted the older nurses.  She didn't like that and responded back and did tell me the concern it was totally bogus, but then she CC the Director and CNO!   I emailed her back what had happened but she still demanded a meeting.  She said I could have the union if I wanted, but didn't think it was necessary, but couldn't r/o disciplinary action so I had the union there too.  Her only complaint was I didn't sound professional because I didn't say my name when I called ER to help stop a nose bleed that ended up needed to be packed and we don't do that, nor have the equipment to do that.  That is how petty she was.  Soon after, covid spiked and she was running around to the older nurses telling them how much she needed them and she did! smh

In my opinion if there is a concern or patient complaint a normal manager would be upfront with you, not play a gotcha to make you worry and wonder.  Sounds like you have a toxic manager who doesn't know how to treat her staff decently.  Hopefully she will move on quickly.

Good Luck!

Specializes in Home Care/Psychiatry.
brandy1017 said:

Sounds like you have a control freak jerk of a manager who wanted to make you sweat instead of being up front with you in the first place!  You are lucky you have a union at least so she can't totally railroad you. 

We briefly had a manger like that and she had told the new grads she was going to get rid of the older nurses and started harassing up with bogus write ups and it was the same way a mysterious message about a concern.  First person she did this to it was while she was on vacation!  I never gave her my cell so she emailed me and I inquired about what the concern was about as I wasn't aware of any and let her know I was aware that she had targeted the older nurses.  She didn't like that and responded back and did tell me the concern it was totally bogus, but then she CC the Director and CNO!   I emailed her back what had happened but she still demanded a meeting.  She said I could have the union if I wanted, but didn't think it was necessary, but couldn't r/o disciplinary action so I had the union there too.  Her only complaint was I didn't sound professional because I didn't say my name when I called ER to help stop a nose bleed that ended up needed to be packed and we don't do that, nor have the equipment to do that.  That is how petty she was.  Soon after, covid spiked and she was running around to the older nurses telling them how much she needed them and she did! smh

In my opinion if there is a concern or patient complaint a normal manager would be upfront with you, not play a gotcha to make you worry and wonder.  Sounds like you have a toxic manager who doesn't know how to treat her staff decently.  Hopefully she will move on quickly.

Good Luck!

Thank you! 

luckily I work two jobs so I'm at a point where if they call me into a meeting one more time, I'll be giving my two weeks notice ✌️  don't need this stress 

Julie Bolding said:

Reporting you is a common power move of a manipulative individual, such as a borderline or narcissistic personality disorder. Chart any conflicts or unreasonable behavior.

my thoughts exactly! Guess which floor I work on ? 

Specializes in Critical Care.
PsychNurse6083 said:

Thank you! 

luckily I work two jobs so I'm at a point where if they call me into a meeting one more time, I'll be giving my two weeks notice ✌️  don't need this stress 

I had my resignation letter in my purse at the meeting but for some unknown reason I didn't give it.  That was like end of August 2020, ended up with shingles right after and got a 2 week "vacation" due to it.  I was so happy to be off even with the shingles.  I think the stress of the place was wearing my health down and it had probably started earlier in the week as my ear was bothering me but I just figured it was from the mask rubbing on it. 

I finally had enough one Sunday night in December tired of working short staffed without a CNA, gave my 2 weeks notice by email that night.  Today is officially 3 years since I took early retirement!  It's been wonderful and my health is much better without all the stress  and no longer being tormented by the damn alarms.

I love all the free time I have to spend with my dog Buster.  I live frugally, but have still gone on several vacations.  Seen the Smoky Mountains, went to Branson saw some Christmas shows. The best was a live nativity performance with donkeys and camels and I had the perfect seat, center aisle, I was so close I could have reached out and touched the animals!  Went to a Tulip Festival in MI and just was at Cape Cod this fall. 

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