Published Sep 27, 2005
124 Posts
I just passed boards last month (RN) and I got a letter in the mail about malpractice insurance. Do you guys think I should get it? The letter gives me a bunch of reasons why I should not depend on my employers insurance and the offer sounds all good but to be honest, I do not have the extra $89 right now, I haven't even started working yet. How many of you guys have it and is it a good idea to get.
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Hello, tonet,:balloons:
This issue has been discussed many times here at Allnurses. You can do a search and see what the responses are.
Now, I am a staunch advocate for having your own Liability Insurance. A small price to pay for the coverage and peace of mind.
Check with NSO. You can get an instant quote online and the rates are very inexpensive in comparison.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I agree with Siri. I would not consider practicing without it.