Made 94th percentile

Nursing Students TEAS


I actually took it in September 2019, but forgot to make a post. I was so over it mentally and physically.

I will say that not everyone can only use a week and a half of studying for up to 12 hours a day. I wish I could’ve had at least a month but this was after the summer session where I was taking classes and working full time, so I had no time to study. I also rescheduled my test date once, so it was my only shot.

I'm the type of student that crams/procrastinates (bad habit i know), but it works for me because I learn and retain better under pressure. (weird idk)

I got a 84.7% overall which was in the 94th percentile.

Reading: 89.4%

Math: 87.5%

Science: 83.0%

English: 75.0 %

What helped me the most was a study group on Facebook and the material was FREE

Below is my post from the group

"my first attempt and i scored at 84.7 (advanced). i only studied for a week and a half for 6-12 hours a day.

i only purchased the mometrix book but i only had time to read half of it and did all the practice tests. i scored higher on the real test than in the practice (78-80 on the practice). youtube and files from this group helped me the most.

reading: my highest score. carolyn mcallister on youtube. i watched all of her videos and took notes.

math: brandon craft on youtube. i watched all of his videos and wrote down and went through the problems. i also looked at his mixed review and took his practice test on his website. the highest math i have taken is statistics so i was able to understand very well.

science: no matter what anyone said i could not follow crash course and khan academy is too boring for me. i used bozeman science on youtube and i watched the videos that corresponded with the topics on the kelly file. that study guide really makes everything less stressful so you can efficiently study. i also took notes as i watched his videos. previously i have taken anatomy physiology chemistry and microbiology with all As and a B in physio.

english: my lowest score but elizabeth tran’s file was really helpful and also nurse cheung’s notes on her website.

i also used pocket prep but not religiously and the questions were way harder than on the actual test. i never purchased any of the practice test from ati either."

Ask me anything!

Hello congratulations on your score!

I haven’t taken the TEAS yet but I also have about a week and a half to study. What was your schedule like? Like how much time did you spend on each subject? I’m really worried about the science portion because I don’t have time to thoroughly go into each organ system.

Hi there,

Good job on the TEAS! I am applying to a very competitive program, and I really want to do well on the TEAS. I will be taking it next month, but I haven't studied much so far. Do you think that I should start studying the easiest subjects first (Math and English)? Because I will finish with those much faster, I realized that most people tend to do well on the hard subjects and do 'Ok' on the easier ones. I am aiming for 90% overall... I know I can do, but I don't know how to start.

Tbh, I study well under pressure. It's weird lol.

On 1/7/2020 at 5:58 AM, ssuba002 said:

Hello congratulations on your score!

I haven’t taken the TEAS yet but I also have about a week and a half to study. What was your schedule like? Like how much time did you spend on each subject? I’m really worried about the science portion because I don’t have time to thoroughly go into each organ system.

I want to note that I didn't have a job or any classes on campus so I was stuck at home and my schedule was "open". I was enrolled in 2 online classes at the time. I would wake up around 7 or 8 am, have breakfast and start studying until my younger sister got back from school which was at 5-6 pm. then I would do homework and assignments for my online classes at night. Each subject I spent about 2 days. The week of my test I just did practice exams (in the mometrix book) while timing myself and graded it like the actual exam.

For science, it's safe to know each organ system in as much detail because they can ask you anything (not that complex. if you know your material theres only one obvious correct answer) or loads of questions from the same few systems. plus there's some chemistry and biology. I would recommend the kelly study guide bc it has everything you need to know. I also watched bozeman science videos on each topic that was on that study guide.

4 hours ago, Camilla2409 said:

Hi there,

Good job on the TEAS! I am applying to a very competitive program, and I really want to do well on the TEAS. I will be taking it next month, but I haven't studied much so far. Do you think that I should start studying the easiest subjects first (Math and English)? Because I will finish with those much faster, I realized that most people tend to do well on the hard subjects and do 'Ok' on the easier ones. I am aiming for 90% overall... I know I can do, but I don't know how to start.

Tbh, I study well under pressure. It's weird lol.

I prefer to go in order of how the exam is structured but you can start with the subjects you think you don't need to spend that much time on. You can see I scored the lowest on English and English is my native language but the grammar and concepts are very tricky. The math can be "easy" but it's mostly algebra and you need to know the formulas and how to start the problem. Don't underestimate any section. I would even say reading was the easiest for me because you just have to practice a lot and know how to read quickly while understanding how to answer the questions. I do remember those questions are very tricky but I scored the highest. The science is not that hard because if you have a background in A&P already its just reviewing from the beginning all over again but it's all facts. Hope this all makes sense.

Can you please tell me how to join the study group on facebook.

10 hours ago, vanerssa best said:

Can you please tell me how to join the study group on facebook.

just search on facebook “ati teas 6”. i preferred the group that has now 31k members. you have to be approved or accepted to be apart of group since it is private. it shouldn’t take longer than 1 day to be accepted. then once you’re in search for what i mentioned, especially the kelly and elizabeth tran study guide file.

Specializes in Pre-nursing.

Congratulations on your score, and thank you for all of the valuable information. I have been using the ATI Smart Prep and have consistently scored 85-89% in all subjects. I have taken AP and Micro, so I am sure that helps. My question is: If I think I may run out of time, is it better to guess and answer them all, or not answer them if I run out of time. I tend to get nervous when I see the clock winding down. I have been taking the units timed, but I am trying to prepare for all scenarios. Also, can you use a calculator. I have heard some people say yes, others say no. Thanks again for your information!

15 minutes ago, MrSala16 said:

Congratulations on your score, and thank you for all of the valuable information. I have been using the ATI Smart Prep and have consistently scored 85-89% in all subjects. I have taken AP and Micro, so I am sure that helps. My question is: If I think I may run out of time, is it better to guess and answer them all, or not answer them if I run out of time. I tend to get nervous when I see the clock winding down. I have been taking the units timed, but I am trying to prepare for all scenarios. Also, can you use a calculator. I have heard some people say yes, others say no. Thanks again for your information!

it’s always best to guess and fill in something than leave a question blank. i took the test on the computer and there is a timer on the screen so that helped with being able to pace myself and not spending too much time on one question. just try to finish in enough time but don’t rush to make mistakes.

i don’t know about the paper test (if they still have them) but on the computer there is a calculator on the screen and it’s just a basic one and you can only use that one. it is not graphing or scientific.

Specializes in Pre-nursing.

Thank you so much! I appreciate you confirming the onscreen calculator because the test prep I am using has that as a tool, so I am relieved to know that it will be the same.

Congrats on the awesome score! Everyone has mentioned the Facebook group but I don’t not have Facebook. Is there any other way to access those study guides ?

4 hours ago, LouFutureRN23 said:

Congrats on the awesome score! Everyone has mentioned the Facebook group but I don’t not have Facebook. Is there any other way to access those study guides ?

i have them on my google drive i can email them to you. really all you need are those and youtube videos.

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