Published Sep 27, 2005
10 Posts
hi everyone.. i was just wondering what are your reasons for taking up nursing in the first place?? was it because it was your choice?? your calling?? was it just because your practical??
to all nurses: are you happy with the kind of work you do?? is it fulfulling?? are you still desiring for changes?? please share your stories... thank you!!! :chuckle
if you like, please... i'm interested to hear all about your stories and insights... thank you very much!!! :chuckle
1,116 Posts
I was originally attracted to nursing because I knew once I had a family I would want a flexible, well paying career that would work around my family and my life. I am still very much attracted to nursing for that reason but I also enjoy the critical thinking, the people and the difference I can make.
As far as desiring for changes....nursing is whatever you want to make it be. If you get bored in one position, there are thousands more you can try. That is another reason I am still attracted to the profession.
245 Posts
$$$$$. I needed to make $$ so my family could survive. It seems crass but that was my reason. If I could have been a gas station attendent or waitress and make that kind of money...I would still be there. Sometimes I feel fulfilled, but it is rare. There is no time to embellish the happiness. You're pulled to other things that take precedent. Last time I felt good about being a nurse was in 2002. I'm just looking for that same feeling again.
hi everyone.. i was just wondering what are your reasons for taking up nursing in the first place?? was it because it was your choice?? your calling?? was it just because your practical??to all nurses: are you happy with the kind of work you do?? is it fulfulling?? are you still desiring for changes?? please share your stories... thank you!!! :chuckle if you like, please... i'm interested to hear all about your stories and insights... thank you very much!!! :chuckle
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
I went into nursing school the first time in 1977 (right out of high school). However, I was too young and immature so quit, joined the Navy, got married, had two sons and then was overseas until 1990. However, after getting my LPN and then RN, I realized how much I liked nursing. Some days it is more of a hassle than other days. However, overall, I still like it.
Psst. Don't tell anyone....I really like nursing. I just want it to be more rewarding like it should be.
1 Post
:chair: actually at first i am not really interested taking up nursing because my ambition is to be in the academy but things change..a cool change for me that convinced my self to take up nursing and become a nurse..and on the other hand to help my family as well..our country is in crisis right now so i think this is also a way for me to cope up with crisis.. :) i also want my future family to have a good life about you? hope my answer is just fine..
3 Posts
To tell you the truth, I didn't have the grades to be a Marine Biologist....However I am glad I am a nurse. I have had so many people tell me how lucky I am to have a job that is stable, pays well and is so flexible.
As a nurse you have so many options... you could work at the bedside, the community, research, management, teach, etc etc. I have been a nurse 8 years and have done home health, charge at a nursing home, worked at the bedside in cardiology, med-surg, womens health, and am currently in a Cardiothoracic ICU. I spent two years traveling and lived in several areas of the USA I would not of been to otherwise. You can even travel internationally. I moved here from Canada. Nursing is a physically, emotionally and mentally draining job at times, but is well worth it. You have a career that you can be proud of and make a difference in the lives of so many people.
Jaggy Thistle
28 Posts
Well, I initially became a nurse as my previous job (secretary) was boring, unfullfulling, you were not respected for your work and I was starting to hate it. Then something changed my life plan and I decided well, that's it, I'm going to go into nursing and give it a go. I thought about doing it when I left school, but didn't feel I had the life experience/maturity to do it and went into office work. Now I'm an RN (qualifed for just over 1.5yrs) and I love what I do just now.
I wanted a careers I could possibly travel with and also feel like I was at least slightly seen as doing something worthwhile and feel that satisfaction myself. There are good days and bad ones, although I'm very lucky in saying my days are mostly very good in nursing. I have a great/supportive unit so in the long run its been worth it, although I didn't feel that way when I was training!
54 Posts
For me, I would have to say it was a calling. I can not remember a time when being a nurse was not first and foremost in my life. I have always been fascinated by the miracle of the human body. I continue to be just as interested today as I ever was!
69 Posts
well...honestly, I wanted to take Psychology but I did not qualify due to my college entrance exam score. I was accepted in Nursing as my third choice (was the best choice after all). I also believe that it is God's will that I took up Nursing. in 1997, Nursing was not a good choice because there were no jobs for the nurses especially here in U.S. because they stopped hiring nurses abroad but at 2001, I graduated from BSN and Nurses were very much needed in U.S. I felt lucky...very lucky. =)
There are times that I wanted to quit especially when I get busy, stressed out in the unit. I get frustrated, when I get difficult- to- deal-with patients, I just want to give up. But then, at the end of the shift, I still go home grateful...thinking that I have survived. Out of 6-7 patients that I handled, 99% will make me feel that I am very much appreciated. It feels good though.
every profession has its ups and downs. I still consider Nursing as a vocation....
Nursing draws us closer to what we really are...and what we will become.
nursing is a commitment to life.
Hope that helps...:)
43 Posts
I can't say I was 'drawn' to nursing, or that its 'my calling', but since being in Nursing school I have fallen in love with it. The challenges, opportunity, variety and respect of the field has really excited me to continue.
thanks guys!!!! it was really nice to hear about how you all came to be successful nurses.. i'm glad all of you are happy and content with your decision... thank you so much.. stay happy!!! :wink2: