Macomb Community College Nursing 2014

U.S.A. Michigan


Let's share our experiences !!! I just wanted to start a page for those who are getting ready for Macomb Nursing program 2014.

I actually applied this year(2013) for the first time. Unfortunately I was't accepted, but I am hoping to be accepted next year! I want to share my experiences, and meet people who are also applying.

I have completed all the prerequisites, and I plan to retake the Hesi test sometime this year.



@Edparker there were also numerous people taking the exam for practice in my section not to count chickens before the eggs hatch but anyone with over a 3.5 n 90 n up hesi should be in praying for u guys .... n all of us under that im praying super how some how we make it :) even if i dnt get n cant wait to hear u guys experiences n updates on school until i make it fingers crossed and praying

Just a quick reminder as I see people posting that they were disappointed that the "ranking will begin" letter didn't tell them anything more. The letter you receive April 26th will NOT NOT NOT NOT tell you when you start either. It will simply say "Congratulations on being selected.....". We didn't receive our start dates until June 29th (It seems they put the letters in the mail on Fridays and then run out the door. Lol), so be prepared to wait again after your April letters. Everything in the program is wait, wait, wait for information....then hurry, hurry, hurry to complete what needs to be turned in ex. physical form. No matter what your start date you should be prepared for August (that is if you would like to start ASAP). I can't tell you how many people got a call to be bumped up (but you could always decline). I received a call to start in January (the call came in on Friday and classes were starting Monday) I wasn't prepared so I declined. I truly, truly, know what you all are going through! This time last year the only thing I could think about was getting my letter. Good or Bad I just wanted to know so I could move forward. It was very difficult to complete my classes that semester because I was so obsessed with knowing if I made it into the program. Then when I found out I made it in, my classes became even more difficult because I started researching nursing school supplies. Lol Of course that research came after scarring my daughter because I was crying & screaming when I saw that word "Congratulations". I cried for days....tears of joy! To MCC we are only waiting a few days to find out, but in reality we have been waiting since the moment we decided to go into nursing. So for some of us that wait has been 2, 3,4,5,6 maybe even more years. Our lives just put on this loooong pause waiting to find out. Each friend, family member, coworker, classmate, etc. reminding you daily, as they ask "So when do you start? Are you in yet?" etc. Saying don't worry about it will NOT lessen your stress so to all of you I say "go get a puppy"! Surely a puppy will keep your mind busy? Just kidding. I wish you all good luck!

haha @sterlingheights I love what you just wrote! So many people keep asking if I'm in or not and I just don't have an answer for them yet. I literally have no idea what it will say. Every time I think about holding that letter in my hand my heart starts to pound so loud in my chest and my heart swells at the thought of what it will say. Thanks so much for all the info!! I love reading about/talking to people who are already in the program. When I see y'all at school in your blue scrubs I just wanna walk up to you and be like "Will you be my friend?" lolol if you don't mind my asking, what did you apply with? Sorry if you already posted it somewhere.

Just a quick reminder as I see people posting that they were disappointed that the "ranking will begin" letter didn't tell them anything more. The letter you receive April 26th will NOT NOT NOT NOT tell you when you start either. It will simply say "Congratulations on being selected.....". We didn't receive our start dates until June 29th (It seems they put the letters in the mail on Fridays and then run out the door. Lol), so be prepared to wait again after your April letters.

That is a bummer! Thanks for the warning because I would have been freaking out wondering when I start! It's funny how they make us wait. What a gyp.

Actually, once you receive your acceptance letter, you can go to the admission office and get your ranking number. Then you can get a general idea of when you will start. I was #122 with January start last year. I was unable to attend due to financial difficulties. Also I had 3.592 gpa and 90 on hesi. So it is possible. :)

Does the program still cost whatever Macombs fee is for a credit hour? Its like 90 right? Or does the price increase? Idk if this is a dumb question lol. :specs:


I have been stalking this thread for awhile now. My anxiety has been going through the roof since February 15! I cannot wait to find out if I made it into the program or not! I hope we all make it in :)

Yes you can get your ranking number after you pay your Selective Admission Fee but it's not a guarantee of your placement. Many people were upset that the number given to them from the admission office was not their final placement number. Also like ramonl my placement #139 (out of 335) put me in the March group which is where I am. But so many things are also factored into the process of placement like some people not paying the hundred dollar fee before the deadline, students choosing to start later, not completing BIOL 1400 & PSYCH 1010 before the deadline, etc. etc. etc.... If you get your ranking # use it as a guide NOT a set in stone #.

haha @sterlingheights I love what you just wrote! So many people keep asking if I'm in or not and I just don't have an answer for them yet. I literally have no idea what it will say. Every time I think about holding that letter in my hand my heart starts to pound so loud in my chest and my heart swells at the thought of what it will say. Thanks so much for all the info!! I love reading about/talking to people who are already in the program. When I see y'all at school in your blue scrubs I just wanna walk up to you and be like "Will you be my friend?" lolol if you don't mind my asking, what did you apply with? Sorry if you already posted it somewhere.

@sailboatescape yes "I'll be your friend/big sister!" Lol You need lots of friends in this program. Hopefully your 40 classmates will be your best friends. I'd rather not list my GPA or HESI score ONLY because when we compare ourselves to others we raise our hopes, or get ourselves upset over what may be nothing. As everyone knows last years scores mean nothing compared to this years scores. As I ranked according to the enrollment office #139 (out of 335) you can tell I was near the bottom and VERY VERY grateful for getting in!

Yes you can get your ranking number after you pay your Selective Admission Fee but it's not a guarantee of your placement. Many people were upset that the number given to them from the admission office was not their final placement number. Also like ramonl my placement #139 (out of 335) put me in the March group which is where I am. But so many things are also factored into the process of placement like some people not paying the hundred dollar fee before the deadline, students choosing to start later, not completing BIOL 1400 & PSYCH 1010 before the deadline, etc. etc. etc.... If you get your ranking # use it as a guide NOT a set in stone #.

I can't remember the building names but just wanted to say when I payed my fee at the Selective Admission area (I think it was called that.), I then walked across the hall to Enrollment Services (again guessing at the name) to get my ranking # (as a guide to my placement).

I’m posting a copy of my post to my group last year:

I did some more old post stalking and I’m pretty sure we will have our letters Wednesday 24th. Here is what I found:

2010***4/26/10***Start Ranking***4/28/10***Received Acceptance Letters




Let's hope this is the date.

3 years in a row is pretty good history! I know this will not stop any of us from stalking the mailman Monday & Tuesday, or from checking this site to see if some lucky person gets theirs earlier than the rest of us, but at least reading this post gives you one more thing to remind you that it will be soon. I also know that this is not soon enough for any of us! Anyone else think that everyone that posts on this site should get to move up 20 spots on the list? Lol


Hopefully this works for you all! As you can see I was pretty obsessed myself. :-)

I am so glad I am not the only one stalking the site to see if someone got the letter early! I am supposed to go away this weekend with my husband, he doesn't understand why I would rather sit by the mailbox. LOL!

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