Lvn to RN bridge at SJVC?

Nursing Students LPN-RN

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Hello I just graduated from my LVN program a couple weeks ago and am applying for bridge programs in January (after I hopefully pass my NCLEX :confused:) anyway I need some opinions please...I'm thinking of going to this private school in my area, San Joaquin Valley College. It's transferable so I'll be able to get my bachelor's after, it's only 11 months long and starts in April of '10 which is the soonest I'll be able to start a program. It's also only 2 days a week so I'll be able to work full time while I do this, which I really have to do. The downside is the cost, the program is around $30k (yikes!) but they have no wait list and I'll graduate sooner than any other school I go to. My alternatives are to apply to 2 other community colleges, one of which doesn't have a required number of applicants they have to take, and you have to have a perfect GPA to get accepted, (which I don't have) and the other one which is an hour away and I wouldn't be able to start either of them til Sept of next year. Just graduating from my lvn program has been such a long road and I'm getting older (almost 30) and really just want to get this outta the way so I can start making real money and be done with school, and have some babies already! So has anyone gone to SJVC or heard how good it is? I searched and couldn't find much. Anyone think it's really stupid of me for paying so much for an RN program? Thanks!

I live in LA and am thinking about relocating to this program

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

Do keep in mind that the 30k will get you an RN, but not a job. Do you have a stable LVN job that will allow you to pay the approximately 500/monthly bill that you will get for your student loans? The economy is really rough right now, jobs are far and few between.

I did an accelerated LVN to RN program that took 9 months, I will say that program has a reasonable price, but many of my classmates have yet to find jobs over a year later. And they are paying back student loans and really struggling.

Just something to keep in mind.

Specializes in RCFE.


i'm trying to get in the lvn to rn bridge program at sjvc. are you attending the program now? is the cost of the school around $ 30,000?

That program starts in February of each year. Unfortunately they only admit yearly.

NickiLaughs, What school did you attend?

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