LVN first, better tactic?



question for all LVN/LPN students as well as the nurses themselves!

i live in the SF Bay Area, and all the nursing program are impacted. (of course.) :yawn:

is it a better tactic to enroll in a vocational/practical nursing program? and work as a LVN/LPN for a while, while either deciding to work towards RN...or not to work towards RN?

thanks all. :redbeathe

Helps you by providing the LVN to RN option at some schools. As for getting work as an LVN, just as hard to get an LVN job in the Bay area as an RN job.

thanks for such a quick response!

most of the LVN's in my area work at the prison (vacaville) the VA, SNF's, ALF's, home health, and those are all places I would have no problem working at.

Not in California. No. RNs are having a hard time getting entry level spots there, let alone LVNs.

I left the Bay area because I could no longer tolerate being unemployed.

many folks that are in the same LVN program as I are planning on going the LVN-RN bridge route. many CC and Cal-States are so seriously impacted that it has taken, and will take, years to get in - if at all.

unless you are young, who has that kinda time?

ouch, that is terrible that you had to leave the bay area!

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