Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

Nursing Students General Students



I am about to graduate from nursing school this may and was wondering if anyone knows how competitive it is to get accepted into Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago's RN internship/new grad program? It has been a dream of mine to work there and was curious how many people they accept.


I did see that! I didn’t know if that also meant interviews were also going to be pushed back or if they were still happening at the end of this month ?

they just sent out an interview invite!

Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry/MedSurg/Triage/QI.

CONGRATS!! What units did you put down?!

30 minutes ago, CeeLoo_xo said:

CONGRATS!! What units did you put down?!

NICU first and then surgical? second

I only heard back from the NICU though!

Does anyone know if all units sent out their interview invites? I still haven't heard anything!?

I have not yet!

9 hours ago, sendhelp said:

they just sent out an interview invite!

Yay! did you get an email or phone call?? also did they say if interviews are in person or via video call?

Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry/MedSurg/Triage/QI.
5 hours ago, gnurse4982 said:

Does anyone know if all units sent out their interview invites? I still haven't heard anything!?

I think it varies by unit! Or that's at least what I read on another post.

12 hours ago, newgrad1122 said:

Yay! did you get an email or phone call?? also did they say if interviews are in person or via video call?


Specializes in Cardiac/Telemetry/MedSurg/Triage/QI.

Still nothing ? I'm starting to think my application got passed LOL

@CeeLoo_xo I haven’t heard anything yet either! Hopefully they are just doing it by unit, IDK!

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