LS3 and Saunders Question?


Specializes in Cardiac.

I failed it back in December and for the life of me I can barely remember the test. I am not going to use SG 101 this time, I just read thru the infectious disease portion of SG101 and none of seemed very clear or presented well. I know the practice exams are helpful with some of it and I have those already. My question is did anyone use Saunders exclusively for this exam, was it good enough? I know its pretty good on others as I have used it a lot for explanations and more details. I just can't get into the MS text on this test. I wanted to see if I used Saunders for note taking based on the content guide, will it be sufficient. I know I sound like a broken record and I should have figured out what to use and how to use materials by now considering I've taken all the nursing exams already but I am left with my retakes of this one and Chronicity....I just need some reassurance I guess. Plus, its snowing and sleeting and I am stuck at home today and wanted to get a jump start on my studying.

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.
I failed it back in December and for the life of me I can barely remember the test. I am not going to use SG 101 this time, I just read thru the infectious disease portion of SG101 and none of seemed very clear or presented well. I know the practice exams are helpful with some of it and I have those already. My question is did anyone use Saunders exclusively for this exam, was it good enough? I know its pretty good on others as I have used it a lot for explanations and more details. I just can't get into the MS text on this test. I wanted to see if I used Saunders for note taking based on the content guide, will it be sufficient. I know I sound like a broken record and I should have figured out what to use and how to use materials by now considering I've taken all the nursing exams already but I am left with my retakes of this one and Chronicity....I just need some reassurance I guess. Plus, its snowing and sleeting and I am stuck at home today and wanted to get a jump start on my studying.

I think every students studying techniques are different. I, personally, would never have made it through any of the EC exams with only SG101. When I took LS3, the content guide was set up a bit differently than the others, and that threw me off my normal note taking I remember. I did do all of the required reading, and then followed up with Saunders afterward. I did get an A on the exam, but I have a great deal of anatomy/physiology/surgery knowledge. Good luck with your last few exams! Almost done!

How close do the LS series resemble nclex practice questions

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.
How close do the LS series resemble nclex practice questions

Hmm....if you mean in Saunders, the practice questions in Saunders are WAY WAY easier than the actual LS exams (in my opinion). The EC practice exams have far more flavor of the true exams than Saunders did.

I wouldn't use Saunders. I always thought they were to easy. I already bought practice exams. Just thinking in terms of extra review. Trying to get my mind in the right place.

Specializes in Cardiac.

Yes, the Saunders review questions are way to easy. I am referring to the the Saunders Comprehensive review sections in the yellow book. Seems to be the go to guide for brushing up on material. I love my big fat yellow book. Best $50 I ever spent. Its so easy to read and clear cut and to the point. I just hope its enough material to pass this exam. I don't want to have to retake it again. I think if used in conjunction with the practice exams from EC, its passable, maybe not with a A, but passable. SG 101 was great on the other exams, but this one, not so much.

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