Published Aug 13, 2005
10 Posts
Hello all this will be first post for this group. I hope someone here and answer this question for me. I am interesting in becoming a nurse once again, after I went through two programs at two different schools. What happens is that I was so disappointed in myself. I really want to become to nurse on top of getting my degree next spring in Health Information technology. I was wonder if anyone in this forum knows of an accredited school that you can take classes online and then go on to work after taking the nursing boards in michigan
Thanks for any help you all can give.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Hello all this will be first post for this group. I hope someone here and answer this question for me. I am interesting in becoming a nurse once again, after I went through two programs at two different schools. What happens is that I was so disappointed in myself. I really want to become to nurse on top of getting my degree next spring in Health Information technology. I was wonder if anyone in this forum knows of an accredited school that you can take classes online and then go on to work after taking the nursing boards in michiganThanks for any help you all can give.Lisa
:balloons: Hello and Welcome :balloons:
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Michigan is quite strict with what they will and will not accept as far as schools for licensure. You are going to need to do the clinical training in a healthcare facility no matter where or how you attend classes.
You stated that you attended nursing school twice in the past, how far did you get?
Thanks for answering my posting. I was enrolled in the RN program I was in my clinical where we had part a and part b. You had to pass part a to go to the b part which would be doing clinical in the hospital. Well of course half way through it and my test scores were bad so I was not able to go any futher. I dropped my course pick it up again, and then my instructor told me that yes I would be a great nurse but your test scores are going to be your deciding factor, I had the opportunity to go into the lpn clinicals and I have to pass this test you should know the answer to this I did not make it, that was 2 years ago and now that I look back I should have went back but I have problems with the test. So you see I was in the clinical part, I have all my pre nursing classes it is just a matter of the clinical portion. Lisa
Michigan is quite strict with what they will and will not accept as far as schools for licensure. You are going to need to do the clinical training in a healthcare facility no matter where or how you attend classes.You stated that you attended nursing school twice in the past, how far did you get?
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
What kind of degree are you going to be getting in HIM? I am currently working on getting my AA in HIM and I am expecting that employment as an RHIT will pay almost as much as an RN (as least out here in California). And, if AHIMA eventually gets its way there will have to be a certified coder in every office that does coding and billing. We've been told by our HIM instructors that RHIAs are in great demand right now because of opportunities in security and data managment. Unfortunately, there is only one college here in California offering an accredited B.S. in HIM and it's expensive. Since you were having so much trouble with nursing clinicals it seems to me that going as far as you can with HIM will end up being a more successful career for you. When nursing and utilization review is going to need to be integrated much more intimately with HIM, your nursing student experience is going to be worth gold, don't you think?.
I will not give up on my HIM I will have an associate degree in HIM I am trying thinking about getting my BA I am just tired of school I'm getting tired do you know what I mean? :rotfl: I have at least 4 classes to go with this degree so I will be dumb not stay in my course of study. I was just saying about going back after maybe not for sure just thinking out loud. HIM do make pretty good money I have not really did my research in the state of michigan but I assume they do. But I plan on leaving michigan in the next five years so I will look for greater opportunities in AZ. Lisa
thanks for the welcome I am truly enjoying this forum. :chuckle