Published Oct 24, 2005
89 Posts
Okay this might get long, so bear with me LOL
I should be studying skeletal system right now but I'm having a brain cramp break..
I am taking pre/co-reqs right now at the school I originally planned on applying for the ADN program. The more I see at this school the less I like. Add to this- the fact that it has a VERY high application # and a very low acceptance- like 50%...due to limited numbers
Acceptance is based on nln score, pre-req and gpa etc. typical of other schools. My gpa should be fine and my nln score should be fine, but so are 50% of the other applicants.
I may not get in for next fall, if thats the case, all of my pre-co reqs will be done, and I will have a year with nothing to do- unless I take just BS classes to get through the year.
There is an LPN program at a local state school, 10 months, very small classes, and my chances of getting in are very good, considering most applicants do not have any pre-reqs done. If I was to apply for next fall, I would have everything except clinicals done..
I could go the lpn route- then do the lpn-rn thing, and it will cost me the same as the bsn....but i'll be done probably a year later, as I'd like to work as an LPN for a year, and reap the rewards of tuition reimbursement..therefore costing me less...
what would you do?
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
This is a tough decision, and one that only you can make.
I'm in a similar situation with ADN vs. BSN.
For myself, I am choosing to continue with my classes for my future RN-BSN. I am going for my ADN now, and then do the RN-BSN route after I get my ADN and pass the NCLEX.
I want as little as possible classes left to do after I start working.
However, I have high hopes about getting in for Fall '06. If I don't get in then, I'll probably just go straight for my BSN.
Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.
19 Posts
I'm kind of having the same dilemma. I'm an LPN and trying to do the LPN-ASN(RN). I will have all of my pre-reqs done this fall for ASN but I won't know if I'll get in for the spring until Jan.,and then start classes in the middle of Jan. I don't know if I should just go ahead and do the BSN thing or not. Truthfully in a way I wish that I wouldn't have done the LPN program because I was planning on getting my RN very soon anyway, so in a way I feel like I wasted a year, but then again I did gain very valuable knowledge and experience that I may not have gotten, and I'm sure that you will too if you go this route. Maybe you should consider going on to BSN school like FUN may do, if you can make it financially without the tuition reimbursement. Good Luck in your decision making and know that you are not alone. :wink2:
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
My suggestion is to apply to both. I've been hearing so many horror stories about not getting into nursing schools, that i made the plan to get my pre-reqs for everything and apply everywhere. :)
I found out today that the community college that I'm going to is probably not going to do the LPN to RN program this spring which is when I was hoping to get in. I guess I'll move on to plan B and find another school. They didn't even have my application on file and I have filled one out for every semester. I'm just so disgusted:confused: and confused. I just knew that everything was going to work out. Oh well, everything happens for a reason I guess.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
okay this might get long, so bear with me loli should be studying skeletal system right now but i'm having a brain cramp break..i am taking pre/co-reqs right now at the school i originally planned on applying for the adn program. the more i see at this school the less i like. add to this- the fact that it has a very high application # and a very low acceptance- like 50%...due to limited numbersacceptance is based on nln score, pre-req and gpa etc. typical of other schools. my gpa should be fine and my nln score should be fine, but so are 50% of the other applicants.i may not get in for next fall, if thats the case, all of my pre-co reqs will be done, and i will have a year with nothing to do- unless i take just bs classes to get through the year.there is an lpn program at a local state school, 10 months, very small classes, and my chances of getting in are very good, considering most applicants do not have any pre-reqs done. if i was to apply for next fall, i would have everything except clinicals done..i could go the lpn route- then do the lpn-rn thing, and it will cost me the same as the bsn....but i'll be done probably a year later, as i'd like to work as an lpn for a year, and reap the rewards of tuition reimbursement..therefore costing me less...what would you do?help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!brandy
i should be studying skeletal system right now but i'm having a brain cramp break..
i am taking pre/co-reqs right now at the school i originally planned on applying for the adn program. the more i see at this school the less i like. add to this- the fact that it has a very high application # and a very low acceptance- like 50%...due to limited numbers
acceptance is based on nln score, pre-req and gpa etc. typical of other schools. my gpa should be fine and my nln score should be fine, but so are 50% of the other applicants.
i may not get in for next fall, if thats the case, all of my pre-co reqs will be done, and i will have a year with nothing to do- unless i take just bs classes to get through the year.
there is an lpn program at a local state school, 10 months, very small classes, and my chances of getting in are very good, considering most applicants do not have any pre-reqs done. if i was to apply for next fall, i would have everything except clinicals done..
i could go the lpn route- then do the lpn-rn thing, and it will cost me the same as the bsn....but i'll be done probably a year later, as i'd like to work as an lpn for a year, and reap the rewards of tuition reimbursement..therefore costing me less...
same exact situation here, are you sure we are not at the same college?
i say apply and see what happens. i applied over a month ago and am still waiting to see if i am one of the 50% qualified who get rejected.
anyhow, if you don't get in then get on the waiting list or reapply and if you chose and there is a spot available do the lpn route. it is your choice. either way you will get there sooner or later. do what is best and more convinient for you at this moment.
good to you.