LPN/LVN job options. (Current job is making me sick)

Nurses LPN/LVN


Hi all nurses. I need advice/options on job opportunities I can take as an LVN.

Here is my situation. I am working as a CNA in a SNF but I got my LVN license so I am looking for a LVN position now. Before working here at the SNF I was working at an ALF, I never felt sick there (I worked there for 2 years). The work there was slow paced and not stressful at all. I thought I needed a challenge but boy was I wrong. I have learned a few things about myself since working in SNF.

I've been here in SNF for about 9 months and ever since I started, I wake up most days feeling sick, like nauseated, nervous, anxiety. It is really REALLY fast paced and really REALLY stressful. I'm STILL the last one to be done (even the new CNAs are faster than I am), I have been scolded on multiple occasions because I get so behind and forget to do vitals, most if not all of the residents require total care, they have dementia and a lot of them hit, kick, pinch, bite....

I feel like this is not the environment I want to be in because it doesn't match my personality/the way I work. I am an INTJ type personality. I am a slow, calm, relaxed individual that likes order, I am methodical and like routine (mostly) which is the opposite of this job.

I feel sad and disappointed because I am feeling discouraged that my only option as an LVN is SNF.:cry:

I would like a setting where I am not rushing the whole shift to get things done, somewhere where I can take my time with tasks, not so stressful, and not getting attacked my residents.

I would really like teaching (can LVNs do that? like in diabetes?) not a class, but more like small groups, or one on one?

I am interested in cardiology, also school nurse sounds nice, but is that good for a first job? What other places can I look at. What are some non-traditional areas for LVNs? PLEASE give me some more options so I can go/call by the end of the week!

*Today was one of those days where I felt sick to my stomach I wasn't even able to eat my lunch:barf02:

Other places that will likely hire a new-ish LVN:


Dialysis clinics

Home care

Doctors office

All except the last will pay comparable to LTC. Doctors office LVNs tend to make less than other fields. A trade off for normal hours and relatively smaller workload.

But I suggest sticking it out in LTC. Once you know your residents, their medications and how to manage your time your stress/worry level will decrease significantly.

Try clinic, doctor's office, home health or private nursing. You'll find something else. You have gone this far so hang in there. Don't give up.

There are also ICFDD homes, which are for the severely developmentally disabled. In my area there are several and each home has 6 clients who live there. Most cannot walk, talk, or eat solid food so they need total care but it's a very laid back job. My class did clinicals at two of the homes and the nurses there loved it. It's definitely a different type of job but a more relaxed one.

Try applying at clinics as well. Good luck!

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