LPN looking to travel with CNA friend is this idea smart???

Specialties Travel


Were both from NY and want to get our California licenses/reprocity as soon as we can. I would like advice for traveling based on our situation. I think my friend has a better chance in snagging an assignment because he has a year of hospital exp and a year of ltc exp. I only have private duty experience. Agencies are telling me that they dont get many home health assignments.

Heres what I need help with!!!!!!!!

Im wanting my friend to get an assignment and I tag along with him as his family and then get connections through his recruiter since he will officially be an employee. The 2nd option assuming i will have a hard time joining his agency is to find a job at a hospital near my friends assignment and start getting my hospital experience and hopefully my friend receives an option to renew his contract once or twice as im getting my year of hospital experience in and then join his agency!

What Are Your thoughts?? I feel like I have little to lose if im tagging along and he has free housing. What I do understand though is that his contract wont be guaranteed to be renewed and he may have to take another assignment which may split us up. What im praying for the most is for us to join the same agency and same location eventually if not right away and split the housing subsidy and find a cheap apt to live together!


Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Actually, American Mobile does a bad job of listing LPN jobs. They do have them if you call them.

I just looked online...I suppose LPNs that wish to work with them will take the initiative and call. I was more curious at the opportunity than aggressively pursuing travel nursing. But it makes sense.

NedRn, I remember your username I cannot remember what I just the other day tried to message to you. Your mailbox is full probably from a bunch of other people like me haha. I dont remember what but I read one of your posts and really wanted to ask you something cant believe I forgot because it was everything in that moment ha! Oh wells.

Yes, I got an email from AN saying my mailbox was full so I cleaned it out. However, most questions are better posted on the forum itself so all can benefit from community feedback.

I know in the areas where my sisters live (both in Southern CA) there is minimal public transportation because most drive private cars, bike or walk to work. When one sister lived a little further north than where she is now, there was a more friendly public transportation schedule especially as a commuter.

While Southern California is car culture to an extreme, I'm not sure why their public transportation gets such a bad rap. It is far better than in most places. Yes, if you live in a small town, it is unlikely that the bus or train times will be good for your work schedule in the closest city. But that is true anywhere in the country.

But if you can afford a motor vehicle, that is what most will do in California. Motorcycles are a great way to get around there and legal lane splitting means log jams on the freeway do not impact you like the cars and buses. It is good for your mental health to be able to keep moving for sure. I had a motorcycle while I was in nursing school in California for the rare times when a bicycle wouldn't do (no car at all).

Personally, I like to live close enough to work to bicycle. In 20 years of traveling, I've only had a couple of assignments where I had to drive, and most of them I did a hybrid, bring my bike in my car so I didn't have to catch a bus from a remote parking lot. In my experience, I can often get from my assignment housing to the hospital door (bicycles get better parking privileges than physicians) faster than most employees get to the hospital door from the parking lot. Driving to work puts me in a bad mood, and bicycles ability to keep moving is really nice, and bad drivers don't **** me off as much as when I'm in a car.

Specializes in ICU.

Why are you depending on your friend to get you a job? I think that tagging along with somebody to get a job is lazy. My sister was a traveling physical therapist and her best was a traveling RN. They didn't travel together and it is a lot of moving. My sister moved every 12 weeks and she didn't always stay in the nicest places. They rent for you. You don't get a choice where to live. Some of the apartments she lived in were nasty. Plus she would just get settled and make friends then have to move again. She liked getting to see the country but basically lived out of boxes. She had to put pretty much everything she owned besides clothes into storage. She now has moved back to the east coast and found permanent employment. I think you just want to move across the country and think that a company should pay you for it. That's not how it works. Plus you are sent to some rough places because that is where the need is. So you will be going into places that no one else wants to go. Since you are hesitant on public transportation and you username is ultraposh, understand it won't be posh experience.

Im sorry what you "think" is wrong. I want to see the country not have someone pay for my move. You were too lazy to read that I can not work where I live. My drivers license was revoked you think I should just wait out my six months jobless? I already lost one job and im about to lose the other. I want to be a travel nurse that is why I want to do this. Your sister didnt have to settle for the housing provided for her she could have took the housing stipend and got her a satisfying place, if she didnt have a choice that has nothing to do with me because im choosing an agency that gives me that option. She should have done so too. You call it lazy? I call moving back with my grandma and waiting out 6 months lazy! Moving is not a simple task for everyone, people say they will do things and never do it. I think I have drive and initiative! You need to take a humble pill seriously. What are you cracking jokes using my username for? You dont know me. Your information should be concise and to the point and actually make a point. This should be a positive community dont come here to bash people. Take your negativity somewhere else >>>>>>>>>

NedRn! Youre so cool! And yea when I visited San Diego I read they won an award for the public transportation. I think specifically the bus service. I actually loved traveling by bus there!

This idea is not smart. Any agency that would hire a PDN to do agency work in a hospital or nursing home (which will be without orientation, you'll be expected to be ready to run immediately) is not one that I'd want to work for.

The idea you mentioned is not smart. Fortunately that wasnt my idea :). I never said id take a hosp or nursing home travel case only home health cases. I actually said I would try to get my hospital experience (not through travel agency) on my own near my friends assignment. Then eventually l join his agency.

Well that idea is also not smart. You aren't likely going to get a job in a hospital in California.

I dont have anything to lose I cant get any jobs where I am. There is low risk. Again you didnt read properly i would have to move back with my grandma and sit for 6 months and my license wont be automatically reinstated after 6 months the process could be up yo a year. I doubt its impossible in california to find a job. I will have a better chance there than here anyway. We are also open to about 4 other states

Thanks everyone for your answers. Theres so much negativity and irrelevance im gonna take care of this one on own.

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