Published Sep 18, 2015
1 Post
In May, I graduate and then I need to take the NCLEX over the summer for LPN, but my problem is that I also want to apply to the nearby university for the LPN to BSN program. The unveristy doesn't have nursing during the summer, so applicants can only apply for either fall or spring. I want to apply to the fall semester, but I was wondering if anyone would know if it is possible to still apply for the BSN program even though I will not be taking the LPN NCLEX until summer, which is after I apply to the LPN to BSN program because the BSN program has an application deadline in May? To simplify, do I actually have to have my license before I apply to the LPN to BSN program even though I'll get my liscence (lets hope!) before the acceptance letters get sent out for the unversity?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Welcome to AN! Best bet is to contact the school to ensure that you receive accurate and up to date information. Without the name of the school and inside information, any responses you get here may not be correct information. Going to directly to the source is safest route to get the info you need.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
The school that offers the LPN-to-BSN program that interests you would have the most accurate answer to your question. Call and schedule a phone appointment to speak with someone in the nursing education department to get your questions answered.
I must mention that every LPN-to-RN/LPN-to-BSN program I've looked into required applicants to possess an active LPN license.
NurseSpeedy, ADN, LPN, RN
1,599 Posts
Most that I've seen (haven't seen any LPN but have seen RN to BSN that will allow entry prior to licensure but not many) require the license. There will probably be a lot of pre/co requisite courses needed to graduate that you may be able to start working on in the meantime. It will help lighten your load once you do start the BSN program