Low gpa (3.375) for nursing program, what do I do


For my school the minimum gpa for the 4 pre-cinicals nursing clasess ( psych 101, math 119, A&P 1 and Eng 101) is 3.0. Im scared because my gpa is just above it and Im sure people have gpas that is close to 3.8-4.0 Can anyone tell me what school I can go to that will accept me in ny. Or can any nurses tell me what gpa they got into with their gpa. I want to apply to cuny schools but they are very competitive. Thank you. I want to apply for fall 15 program.

Are you applying to an undergrad program or accelerated ?

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

No on one here can tell you what school you can get accepted to. You need to contact schools you are interested in and talk with someone in admissions. Discuss your GPA and ask if they accept applications from people with your GPA. Then you apply if you want to. It is part of the process. Do not assume you will get in or won't get in. Also your grades are your grades. You earned them so you live with them. In the future if you do not like your grades then work harder. If you do like them then you are good to go. Good luck and start applying.

Thank you, I will start calling and asking.

I wll be applying to Undergrads

By your pre-req description I am assuming you took them at QCC and will be applying to QCC as well. Have you taken your NLN-PAX yet? I have heard of students with sub 3.5 GPAs getting into the program because of an exceptional NLN-PAX score.

I would definitely give it a go and apply but your chances lie on the caliber of students also applying for that semester. Just to give you an idea QCC has over 700 applicants for the Fall semester to fill about only 70-80 seats. QCC prioritizes their candidates based on GPA and NLN-PAX performance. So you need to make that self assesment and do you that you are a more desirable candidate than 90% of the other students that are applying. I will also be applying for QCC clinicals for Fall 2015. If you have any questions ask me cause we are technically in the same pool of applicants.

By your pre-req description I am assuming you took them at QCC and will be applying to QCC as well. Have you taken your NLN-PAX yet? I have heard of students with sub 3.5 GPAs getting into the program because of an exceptional NLN-PAX score.

I would definitely give it a go and apply but your chances lie on the caliber of students also applying for that semester. Just to give you an idea QCC has over 700 applicants for the Fall semester to fill about only 70-80 seats. QCC prioritizes their candidates based on GPA and NLN-PAX performance. So you need to make that self assesment and do you that you are a more desirable candidate than 90% of the other students that are applying. I will also be applying for QCC clinicals for Fall 2015. If you have any questions ask me cause we are technically in the same pool of applicants.

Yes im talking about qcc. Im still thinking if I should give it a try or if I should just apply to other schools for their clinical that ask for different prerequisite. Even if I have a high NLN-PAC score with that gpa, May not be good enough. But I wouldn't know until I'll try. I'm not ganna be pessimistic, I'm just ganna try other schools. & thanks for the enlightenment.

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