low balling me with pay rate?

Specialties Home Health


So I went to an interview for peds home health and was offered a position. I have not accepted because the pay rate bring offered is $17/hr. I haven't made that since before I was an LVN. I'm in the DFW area and I'm wondering if that is typical pay for a HH LVN.

Specializes in Peds,Urology,Home Health,Acute Care.

The authorized care may be based on the scope of practice of an LPN. That means anyone with credentials that meet or exceed that level can deliver the care. That also means that if an LPN or an NP provides the care the agency is paid the same rate.

Some agencies pay based upon the patient acuity. For instance a nurse may be level 3 certified but the case only requires a level 2 nurse. They can still offer the level 3 nurse the assignment. But that doesn't mean the nurse is paid at a higher rate because she is not utilizing those level 3 skills for that patient.

I will grant you that an employer should disclose that upfront. I know that I always do. But a company can only stay in business if they make money.

I'm in Austin, Tx and make $31/hr working PDN.

Specializes in Intake, Home Care.

I live in Boston, MA and just signed on as a new grad. They initially offered 26.00/hr but gave me an extra 1.00 for CNA med surg experience.

Night Shift differential is 2.00, so it's 29.00. Not bad considering new grads in the hospital get 31.00

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