Los Angeles Pierce College ADN - Fall 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, I turned in my application back in February and waiting for news. I'm creating this topic for anyone that has applied to LAPC for this upcoming Fall 19. Let's share stats, tips, news and any other useful information for our fellow applicants.

Not me... I called the Nursing Department several times. But all went to vm.

DollyP profile states the only post they ever made was the one stating they received Pierce acceptance. Nobody else in any forum has received any sort of email from Pierce. I’ve been refreshing my page every few minutes all afternoon and nothing...

Not sure what that’s all about...

Seems fishy...

@DollyP This account was created 4 hours ago... total troll. Is there a way to report an account?

12 hours ago, 2bNurseKevorkian said:

I just called and the lady said lotto results will be emailed out today/tomorrow!

Good luck everyone!

They said, Today or tomorrow?

or today and tomorrow?

I guess we will find out tomorrow

14 minutes ago, Leslylove said:

They said, Today or tomorrow?

or today and tomorrow?

I guess we will find out tomorrow

The lady said today “and” tomorrow....but then another person called and they were told “next week...”

It boggles me as to why they wouldn’t send out the 30-40 acceptance letters first; on the same day. In what order are these applications in that accepted applicants would be notified over a period of 7 days!? It’s either a lie or they really are that unorganized; which is concerning.

I feel like those who got accepted got sent an email yesterday and today and the rest is probably waitlisted or didn’t even get in

But let remain positive we never know.

Has anyone else received any news from Pierce?

Same here, nothing yet. I would've imagined at least another one of us would've heard something by now. Keeping hope ?

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