Looking for posted thread

Nursing Students Student Assist


How do I review my most recent posted threads. I posted a lengthy thread yesterday but for the life of me, where is it?

Can someone give me pointers on retrieving one's postings.



Specializes in OB/peds (after gen surgery for 3 yrs).

Try this: On your above message, click on your user name, the blue Lab211 and it will give you the option to see your most recent posts. Good luck!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Nick. . .I think the easiest way to do this (at least the way I do it) is to bookmark the page that has your Public Profile on it. Once you are looking at a thread that you have posted to, click on your screen name at the left side of the post because it is an active link. A drop down box comes up. The first link is "View Public Profile". Click and go there. Once you are on your Public Profile page, save it in your "Favorite" file on your computer. That way you can go directly to that page at any time without having to find one of your posts on allnurses in order to get to a listing of your posts. Once you are on your Public Profile page you have two choices to find your old posts. You can choose to "Find all posts by lab211" or "Find all threads started by lab211". When you click on either of those two options a list of your posts will come up. Mine come up with the most recent posts first. They are links as well so all you have to do is click on them and they will take you to either the thread, or your reply to the thread, or depending on which link you choose to click on.

Another way I find my older posts is by using the advanced search option. I can search by a member's name (me, Daytonite) as well as by a specific word and the links to any threads that only I posted to using that word will come up. This is often how I find old posts I made about certain subjects where I don't want to go through my files to dig out a bunch of weblinks I know I posted before. Try it a couple of times and you'll see how nice it works!

A third way to find your recent posts is if someone has posted a reply to them. You can find them through your "User CP" (that's for "User Control Panel") link on the top left of the menu bar above. A list of posts, which are links to threads you have subscribed to (replied to) will come up if others have replied to them since your post. You can link right to them by clicking on the thread title, the last reply to the thread, or if there are multiple pages to the thread, you can click on one of the thread pages so you don't have to read through all the pages.

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