Looking for the perfect nursing diagnosis & care plan book!


I am currently seeking a better care plan book for my LPN course I'm 7 weeks into. I also need to know some options for a nursing diagnosis book. We have a care plan book that was required for class but its very confusing and doesn't have a lot of information I end up needing. I have to use the internet for a lot & that's very time consuming. I would like the most up-to-date books available, if at all possible. Please & thank you! (:

Specializes in Peds, School Nurse, clinical instructor.

Try the Sparks and Taylor Nursing Diagnosis reference manual I am not sure which is the most current edition but it is a great reference book. You can get it on Amazon.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Try the Sparks and Taylor Nursing Diagnosis reference manual I am not sure which is the most current edition but it is a great reference book. You can get it on Amazon.

I second this. My nursing process instructor liked the book so much she ordered it for her daughter who was a nursing student in another school. The current edition is NANDA 2012-2014.

Go to your local book store and check what is available. I think I looked at 5 or 6 versions before deciding this was the version that worked best for me. Kind of like drug books...what may be best for me may not be for you. Good luck.

I had an Ackley nursing diagnosis book that was very confusing to me. I purchased a book by Doenges and it's really helpful and simplified, plus much smaller. It's pocket size. Another thing that helped was a nursing diagnosis app in the app store on Apple products. Both of those were super helpful for my care plans...made it much easier & it made me learn the concept.

Thank you guys so much! I'm currently looking at the books on amazon & one of my instructors gave me some tips as well. I found one book that seemed promising & my instructor swore by it, it's also pocket size, which I feel might be very convenient.

Thanks again!

Took your advice, found a version that worked well with my odd thought processes, lol. Thanks!

Took your advice, found a version that worked well with my odd thought processes, lol. Thanks!

I, too, have an odd thought process, a situation I've dealt with all my life. :)

So, which version did you end up with?


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