Looking for feedback


Anybody, anybody?

Honestly, I have no idea, except that I'd get the heck out of that hospital. That sounds like a license-loss waiting to happen!

Specializes in Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

If you are going to be in school I would go with the more stable clinic situation if you can get by on the pay. You will have enough stress and changes in your life as it is. Working on a floor would give you a lot of acute experience but you would need to be comfortable enough working there to absorb it and if you are just trying to keep your head above water and are putting your license at risk, you won't get much out of it. Working in the urgent care clinic you may be able to hone the assessment / diagnosis skills you will need as a FNP.

Good luck whatever you decide.

If you can survive on the clinic pay then I would stay at the clinic. Your license and sanity isn't worth the extra $5 an hour.

wait, you have 4-5 CRITICAL CARE patients? As in ICU? get outta there fast!!!

Specializes in Med/Tele.

I would go to the clinic. If you stay where you are, not only is your license at risk but so are your future career plans........if you get too burn out too soon or get turned off by nursing, you will not want to get your BSN or FNP........you will be too disgusted. If you can survive on the pay, go to the clinic!!! You will probably be happier. Life is too short to be miserable.

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