Lonestar nursing applicants for spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi guys! I will be applying for lonestar cyfair and a few others in the spring of 2016. I was wondering if anyone had started studying for the hesi and also what grades have they gotten so far in their classes!

Hey everyone! We have about 10 days to submit our stuff on certified! Is everyone all set?

Yes, I am all set. Wish they sent you letters before the deadline though so you don't feel like there is a chance you might have missed something. So... they pick your classes right? Does anyone know what the schedules even look like? I think I am going to drop to part time at work because I don't know what the school work load will be.

Schedules are up!

What time slot did everyone get? I got 830

I got 830 as well. Do you guys really think it is necessary to drop to part time to do this program?? I'm afraid to drop to part time :(

Yayyy are you in our fb group? https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=929927970411652&tsid=0.925897085107863&source=typeahead

Honestly, it's only 3 hours a day.... I'm a full time mom to 3 kids.. 2,4, and 6. My husband works 60-70 hours a week. I don't think dropping to pt is necessary... At least not until we have clinicals

No, I think I'm part of the 1% that does not have a facebook account. Haha.

I have a friend who is in the cy fair program and dropped to working PT because she couldn't handle both (she has no kids or husband either). Maybe this first semester you should be fine but idk about future semesters.

Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the program at Kingwood starting the third semester in Jan.

To answer your working while in the program question, I'll say this.

We have some who work full time who have not made it to the next semester. My first semester I didn't work, I have no kids, and live with mom and dad so pretty stress free. I made a B in lecture. My second semester (just ended) I worked 20 hrs/week on campus and made an A. It's all about how you delegate your time :) but I also studied roughly 30-40 hours per week (some students studied more). Just a heads up! At least try part time for the first semester, just so you know what it's like. Then move back to full time the next semester. When you have to read 200-400 pages per test its kind of hard to do all that and work. And we have tests every two weeks.

Oh and that's just for lecture. We have lab every week, and every lab day we have a quiz due and a packet of questions. Then we practice the skill and have a lab check off (pretty much a practical test?) and that requires a couple hours of practicing. Then clinical we have assignments due throughout the semester. It's a lot of work... A LOT. I'm not trying to discourage anyone because some have to work full time to support their families. It will be a very big adjustment for everyone.


I will be applying for the ADN program at cyfair in spring 2017. Currently I still need to work on my prereqs but considering retaking my English 1302, I have a C in it. Since I have time til then I'm going to make sure to take the right sciences to pass the HESI. I've heard ADN programs are more competitive to get into compared to BSN universities, true?

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