LoneStar-- Kingwood ADN program ranking criteria



Can anyone tell me why the higher grade in either 2401 A&P I or 2402 A&P II along with PSYC 2301, AND ENG 1301 can be used to factor your GPA for the ADN program at LoneStar North Harris, Tomball, Cy-fair, Montgomery except for Kingwood College. Kingwood college only accepts 2401 A&P I to use to factor your G.P.A. along with PSYC 2301 & ENG 1301. I am curious to know why. I want to apply at LoneStar Kingwoods evening program becasue I have a fulltime job during the day. My higher score is in A&P II (A) & my A&P I score is a (B). Now I must take A&P I again to get an "A" to become more competitive at Kingwood. If I was applying at any other of the LoneStar campus besides Kingwood, my "B" in A&P I would not be a problem because my higher grade is in A&P II. I thought the LoneStar colleges are all on one ranking system?

Thank You :yawn:


I'm in the same situation as you but I believe that Kingwood has the same rules as the other campuses regarding biology grades and ranking. I'm curious as to where you got the info about Kingwood being different. It doesn't mention that on their website or in one of the nursing info sessions.

Lone Star just changed their website. Before they changed it; Kingwood's ADN criteria did not state that 2402 could be used in calculating your G.P.A. only 2401, Psyc 1301 & Eng 1301. All the other LoneStar colleges posted on their websites ADN criteria that if you had a higher grade in A&P 2, that would be used in calculation of your G.P.A. I really did not want to re-take A&P 1 all over again. I hope I can get some clarification about the scoring from Kingwood.

This is what is says on the website as of today. It says students with multiple A&P courses will be considered and the course with the highest grade will be used. That sounds like ANY A&P course. I could be wrong but I believe either one is accepted at Kingwood just like the other campuses. The programs vary by location, but the ranking criteria is the same because we were told in the info session last week that all applications for the Spring will be processed together at the main Lonestar System office meaning all applications for any campus in the same application period. (this is a new process)So I think we're fine.

"The Lone Star College System Nursing Admissions Committee has removed the rule on applicants being ineligible for admission due to repeating biology courses more than one time in five years. Students with multiple courses in Anatomy & Physiology will be considered for admission, and the course with the highest grade will be used in the ranking process. The 5 year rule remains in effect for all required biology courses, which must be completed within five years of the application deadline. Review courses are available through Community Education, or students may choose to repeat a course for a higher grade. BIOL 2404 Introductory Anatomy & Physiology may also be used as a review course if taken within five years of application. Older biology courses will be considered in the ranking process if the review courses have been completed before the application deadline. "

Thank you so much:) I am stressing big time. Not only about the scoring system, the HESI as well. I need to know how to approach the reading comprehension section of the HESI. This will be my second time taking the HESI. The first time I did not do to well. I am currently studying the HESI exam study guide; and whatever else I find on google. Reading the many blogs about the HESI and ways to study for it has gotten me so discouraged. Since I work full-time, I am limited to only 1 program at 1 school which is Kingwood. Since they are the only school offering a night program for people like me who have a day job and can't quit, I a only a have 1 shot to pass the HESI before the application period ends. All my pre-reqs are fininshed (i can even apply for a BSN program) I just can't afford to quit my day job to go to school in the day. I wish more schools offered evening programs for working people.

I totally understand where you are coming from. I am a stay-at-home mom to my 2 yr old and 1 yr old and I have a 1st grader so I can't afford to pay daycare/after school care for all of them. It's really cheaper for me to just stay home with them! I have all of my pre-reqs finished as well with the exception of Micro which I have scheduled in the Fall. It is extremely stressful so I know what you mean. I am retaking 2402 to bump my grade up to an A. I have B's in both but 2402 is fresh in my mind since I just took it last semester and honestly I found it easier. I plan on taking the HESI in mid August after the summer semester is over. I have the HESI study guide and the reading part doesn't seem too bad. Am I missing something? Maybe I am underestimating it. And I agree that there should be more evening programs. Maybe this will be the official thread for those of us applying to Kingwood for the Spring 2010 evening program.

Which campus are you taking the Micro? That is a smart approach to re-take 2402 since it is fresh in your mind; and true, it is easier. That is why I did not want to re-take 2401. I made a "B" in 2401 & "A" in 2402. When I read North Harris, Cy-Fair and ect. ADN scoring criteria, all their criteria pages said 2402 will be used in the G.P.A. scoring if it is higher than 2401. Kingwood is the only schools ADN program that did not say that (before the new website facelift). I registered for for 2401, but if I want need 2 re-take it, I won't. Lone Star just gave their website an entire new facelift. I tried to look and see if their were any HESI dates scheduled for Kingwood. The link is invalid when you click on "schedule HESI exams". The IT group must still be working out the kinks. I advise you to read the study guide and google "reading comprehension" practice tests. Focus on the finding the main idea of a passage, inferences and ect. The math is basic. The reading counts big time because it is a part of the scoring criteria. This part of the exam can make you are break you, no matter if you have the full 4 points in 1 area and the full 4 points in the other. The reading score from the HESI is divided by 25. You must score over 80%.

I'm taking Micro as hybrid class online and meeting on saturdays at the Fairbanks center. I don't think the HESI schedule for the spring admission period is posted yet.

Good Luck with Micro :)

thanks. Good Luck with the HESI. Keep me posted!

Has anyone applied to or been in HCC's program? It is a joke. They set you up to fail. Bottom of the barrel professors. Retaking Psych and A&P to raise from B to A for acceptance to LoneStar.

I have never applied. I have heard many horror stories about HCC's nursing program. I went to their information session last year and noticed the Dean of the nursing program facilitating the session was very rude and heartless for the prospective students that were interested in the program and the nursing students that were currently enrolled. I am currently retaking PSYC to get an "A". I am applying for Kingwoods nursing program. Good luck with PSYC & A&P.

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