LMU CRNA Program

Nursing Students SRNA


Just wondering if anyone else has applied to Lincoln Memorial University's CRNA program? I know the deadline is February 1st, just wanted to get an idea of when people are hearing back about interviews.

Did you interview wednesday or Friday Jeffy89?

I got my call today! See you in August!

My husband got in! We are an outdoorsy family and sociable, if anyone wants to e-connect ahead of time. :) KP

Got a call!

Did they call on the 21st or 22nd?

I got my call on the 21st

I also got a call on the 21st. Does anyone know how many were accepted?

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma & Critical Care..

Yay! My rejection letter came in the mail today. :')

Yay! My rejection letter came in the mail today. :')

Me too. Try, try again.

I was wondering too, they claim to only have room for 25. I sent my seat fee form in! So excited for August!

I have set up a facebook page for those who are interested in connecting.

LMU CRNA class of 2

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