LMU CRNA Program

Nursing Students SRNA


Just wondering if anyone else has applied to Lincoln Memorial University's CRNA program? I know the deadline is February 1st, just wanted to get an idea of when people are hearing back about interviews.

How many showed on Wednesday? I wasn't sure if some had not come due to other programs or not. Just curious.

Sorry, my brain isn't working well today. I am working to many hours on nights it seems, lol. Good luck to all.

I'm right in there with you Hibbstn. Too many nights. Anyone from Wednesday interview willing to share their experience?

How many showed up Wednesday? There are 24 scheduled for Friday.

Best of luck to you all! Interview wasn't too bad in my opinion...now just a waiting game. If someone gets a phone call, please post to let us all know :)

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma & Critical Care..

I interviewed on Wednesday. From what I gathered the interview is different for each person. Mine was pretty laid back so I hope that's a good sign. Anyone know how long it usually takes to hear back from them?

Mines was laid back as well. One of the students told me we should here something by Friday due to this week being spring break.

SickBubblegumRN - How many interviewed on Wednesday?

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma & Critical Care..

I believe there were 17 of us at the Wednesday interview.

Mine was laid back too. Seemed different but I hope it is for the best. We shall see soon hopefully.

I got a call!!! Did anyone else???

I got a call!!! Did anyone else???

Did they call today or yesterday?

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