Listing hire date vs start date on resume


Simple question: Is it bad that I've listed my hire date on my resume instead of my start date? There is a 1 month difference between the two. I'm a fairly new nurse and wanted to take credit for any work experience I could! When an employer verifies my dates of past employment, will they go by hire date or start date? Thanks!

Wow - this is really interesting. I always thought it would be your first day of work (orientation). I guess you should put down whatever HR considers your beginning of employment, as it appears to differ from place to place.

Always have listed start date-the day you attended general orientation and started to get PAID.....

Date of hire is what will be given if you use this employer as a reference. HR doesn't care what day you first worked. You may have all kinds of hoops to jump through before you actually show up to do the job--titers, vaccinations, employee health examination, drug screen--but you're considered an employee from that all-important date of hire. If you weren't then they wouldn't pay for your drug screen, et al.

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