Linda Lacharity 3rd edition


Specializes in surgery, ortho.

Does anybody have the code for online version of linda lacharity? (not the kindle version)

I do have the 2nd edition that I bought long time ago but my review session class is requiring us to have the code for online version in which you could only get if you purchase the 3rd edition.. Would you please share it with me? I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

If you're just talking about just the Student Resources of the 3rd edition LAcharity PDA book, where you can do the interactive practice questions and case studies online, you could actually buy it separately on the Evolve Elselvier website for $20.95. Just letting you know!

Specializes in surgery, ortho.

Thanks for info. Yeah I'm looking for the interactive q&a not the kindle version. I'll look at it

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