Liabilty insurance?


I was wondering if anyone carries liabilty,a few nurses I spoke to say they dont,but I always feel its important to safeguard your license these days working in Home health you never know.So I was taking a consenses of how many actually do and what your thoughts are?

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

As noted in the above article, I generally recommend it because it is so cheap, but be aware of some significant coverage limitations. People buy it because they think that if the BON investigates them or the hospital is sued, their own insurance will provide them with a lawyer or defense, and that is generally not true. Read the article for details. Apply appropriate filters to risk management advice given by people with no training or experience in the profession.

Thanks so much for your feedbacj,I was curious because I work in home health and a,I asked a couple of nurses and they do not carry insurance.Thanks again!

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.
Thanks so much for your feedbacj,I was curious because I work in home health and a,I asked a couple of nurses and they do not carry insurance.Thanks again!

Your employer should provide for the employees, and it does not hurt to ask for the details.

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