Published Aug 8, 2008
231 Posts
can u u help me how to make letter stating that i dint have a lcense in phil and i am immgrnt pls help!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the International forum
Which state are you applying licensure to? If Ca then you have no choice but sit the local boards. A few states are now requiring local license before they will process your application and getting strict on it and expect more to follow
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Being an immigrant to the US means that you are a green card holder; but still maintain citizenship in your country. You are legally permitted to write the NLE, so it will need to be done. Same thing holds true even if you a US citizen if you maintain dual citizenship in the Philippines. This has been in effect since the beginning of the year and has been a well-known fact months in advance.
The requirement for the local license is not waived for you. Licensure and immigration are two very different things, and if a state requires the local license, then they are not going to accept a letter as to why you did not sit for the exam.
You need to meet the requirements of the state here in the US. And if CA, they most definitely are not accepting any type of letter, they are going to want proof of passing the NLE as well as a license number issued by the PRC before they will permit you to even sit for the NCLEX exam.
Much has already been written on this topic, please just do a search here.
We also ask that you use proper English when posting here, English skills are going to be a requirement for you to be able to work in nursing in the US as all charting is done in complete sentences.
It makes it easier for others to follow as well when not everyone here has English as their primary language.
You may not be required to write the English exams since you hold a green card, but that does not exclude a facility from wanting documented proof of your English ability.
Thanks for your understanding.