Published Sep 20, 2017
Leonardo Del Toro, RN
1 Article; 730 Posts
What if your boss tells you to continue to work after you've pulled a double? I can't find the law that "some people" say exist out there saying it's illegal. Anyone?
38,333 Posts
Consult with the Labor Board. I saw it online one time but can't remember how I got to that link and don't even know if it is possible to get back to that link. There is some kind of law about how much "around the clock" dial you can work before it is required that you have a rest break, don't recall what it is. I have worked as much as 21 hours straight but don't recall when I returned to work after those long shifts.
Here.I.Stand, BSN, RN
5,047 Posts
I'm not in California, but fool moves like that is why I don't work places that do mandatory OT. Unpredictable schedules don't work for me, and their failure to plan is NOT my emergency. The exception: weather related emergencies that put my colleagues at risk on the road. I live in the upper Midwest, and that has only happened once.
If my manager did that, I would probably advise them that I am physically unable to work the shift -- an in-person call off, if you will -- and put in my notice.