Published Dec 12, 2016
8 Posts
I'm looking for some advice about my career or maybe just someone to tell me I'm not a horrible person for leaving my job after a short time. I worked a med surg/progressive care unit for two years prior to moving to the OR. And after two months of being in the OR I realized I had made a mistake. I miss patient care and talking to my patients. But I told myself I'd stick it out for a year. But then in the 6 months I have been in this OR some very disappointing things have happened related to joint commission and quality issues that I don't feel at liberty to say. But I don't feel as though I can support this OR after some of the things that have happened. So anyway I have two job interviews lined up with Emergency departments which I think is my dream job. But I still have three weeks of orientation left (7 months of orientation total). Am I a huge jerk for leaving on orientation? I'm afraid that they won't let me finish out my 30 day notice. But I'm hoping that maybe I'll only have a week left of orientation when I get offered a job, if I do. I feel really terrible leaving right after I get off orientation but not getting paid for two weeks would be awful. And I feel awful that they spent time and money training me and I'm going to leave them. But besides the quality issues, I feel bullied down there and that the training isn't great and I don't think I can take it much longer.
Thanks in advance for your help. Sorry this is so long!
489 Posts
They would probably let you go rather than keep you for two weeks to train you since you won't be staying.
Wolf at the Door, BSN
1,045 Posts
do whats best for you because on the flipside the unit does whats best for it
3 Posts
I was actually in the same boat as you. Thought the OR was my dream job and realized very quickly into orientation that it was not for me. I felt horrible wanting to leave bc i was in a fantastic hospital and was lucky enough to be one of a very few nurses accepted into the periop program. But you need to follow your heart. I am now working on a floor again. Is it my dream job? No. But I enjoy the work I do. Im still trying to figure out what I love. But at least I'm not doing something that I know is not right for me.
As far as finishing your time, they might not have you finish the last few weeks. But i would definitely start applying for other positions asap. You don't want to be without a position for too long. Being in the OR is a totally different skill set, so if you are looking to go back to a floor then you want to jump back in sooner rather than later. You'll be surprised how quickly you remember the floor skills, but I know i felt like a bit of a fish out of water for a few shifts to get back into the mindset and swing of things. Hope everything works out for you!