Leather Restraints Question


Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, ED, Psych.

On a medical/surgical unit, who is responsible for the application of leather restraints? Security? Code Gray Staff?

I had a combative out of control patient who required 2 point leather wrist restraints but I had no clue how to apply them or how to tie the device to the bed.

I had the security staff apply the restraints while me and 2 other nurses physically held the patient still so that security could properly apply them.

Since we seldom use leather restraints, its not something most med/surg bedside staff are familiar with using.

I think it varies from hospital to hospital. The best thing you could do would be to check your policy.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

No one else's facility's practice or experience matters for this one -- know what your facility's policy is, always.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

You need to check with your facility's policy but I believe it has to be qualified licensed personel! In places I have worked security can physically restrain the patient but they cannot apply the restraints.

You need to check with your facility's policy but I believe it has to be qualified licensed personel! In places I have worked security can physically restrain the patient but they cannot apply the restraints.

It depends on the facility. I've worked at hospitals where as security, I had to "assist medical staff in applying the clinical restraints". The facility I currently work at, when clinical restraints are ordered, security applies the restraints and the medical staff observes and we both have to sign off on the restraint application documentation form.

I do know that almost every time I've been called to anywhere besides ED and ICU, the nurses typically have no clue how to apply clinical (leather) restraints, which is an education issue.

It all depends upon your facility's policy. At my previous job, all the direct care employees were trained for the application of restraints such as RNs, LPNs, Security personnel, SW, and other disciplines.

Specializes in Geriatric Nursing.

It depends on the hospital policy...

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