Leadership Theories


i have a presentation next week

it on the leadership of a critical incident

i'm using an (unsuccessful) resus attempt i was involved in whilst on my a&e placement. and i have to discuss how the leadership influenced the outcome.

I want to use the 7 c of teams to assess how the team perform

but i can't remember who this is by and the nurisng leadership books in my uni library are useless.

The team worked well together the patient had a poor outcome anyway with at least one episode of organ failure in the last year and one incidence of sucessful in-hopsital resus.

the c are right but not sure if its a common idea or by another name

find this topic hard to understand as the ideas are all similar and overlap.

oh and i have to reflect on it gonna use gibbs not in for torture

Specializes in med/surg.

Mindtools is great too - just stick that in Google - I know I posted the

link somewhere here too.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Ayla if you need to run off any ideas just me a shout

i may just do that

lit search at present for my own refections

anxiety and fear are normal for nurses in resus attempts, and i still dread finding an unresponsive patient.

i have to come up with future learning underpined by evidence

this i find hard as exposure to cardiac arrest in unpredicable and evidnce suggest that more exposure to caridac arrest is the best route for profesional development

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

If your looking at resus and seriously ill patients then take a look at some of this site


I have done lots on resuscitation and emergency care for my MSc . I teach ALS so if you need any help Ayla let me know

i think we did about 5 cycles of ALS before the team toegether decided to quit, does that sound about right

i've found ref that prior cardiac arrest patient have very poor survial if als is attempted.

does this sound right still struggling with the theory i'm using to explain the team works

ah its not 7 c i was thinking about it was 7 S

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.
ayla2004 said:
I think we did about 5 cycles of ALS before the team toegether decided to quit, does that sound about right

I've found ref that prior cardiac arrest patient have very poor survial if als is attempted.

does this sound right still struggling with the theory I'm using to explain the team works

If you think that the ALS cycle depends on shockable or non shockable. I assume that your patient was not shockable

2 minute cycles then your looking at just over 10 minutes, it would depend on the patient as to if this is appropriate but it sounds OK. There is loads of literature about survivability from cardiac arrests again the resuscitation website is great for this and for references.

is it Mckinsey 7 S framwork that you are thinking about?

"The Seven Elements

The McKinsey 7S model involves seven interdependent factors which are categorized as either "hard" or "soft" elements:"

Hard Elements




Soft Elements

Shared Values




patient was shocked so it must have been vf/vt not pea/asystole

it didn't go on for long

should have a learning diary for it but don't i think we shocked for 3 or 5 times and then quit.

oh on separate note phone hr at my job offer

turns out one of my refences ahs left and occu health hadn't passed me.

so phoned my last mentor and asked if i could use her and phoned occu health and chased it up.

so i've a referre and just need my crb

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