LBCC & Cypress Spring 2014


Hi everyone!

I thought I would start the a post for anyone who has just applied to LBCC this past august 2013, and Cypress this September 2013 for admission to Spring 2014 programs! Letters of acceptance should hopefully be sent out for LBCC end of sept, beginning of October. Has anyone received theirs yet or know other dates??

Hi Sara,

I've applied to both school also, and anxiously waiting for results. Been checking my mail everyday for Long Beach now...

Do you know when we will hear from cypress?? I hear a lot of people don't get into lbcc on their first try :( I hope we do!

The lady that I gave my application to said we'd hear by about Decemberish for Cypress!

December is so far away lol! How many points do you have out of 30?

I'm not sure, although I think it's really low :/ How about you? But yeah, December seems so far away. Did you apply to other schools?

How do you count the points on the last page, regarding the "Additional Criteria"?

I have work and volunteer hours, wrote a personal statement for proficiency in Spanish, and need to work. Do student success courses count for points? Cause I do have some of those. In any case, I have at least 19 points (got all Bs in science pre-reqs :/). I know that's not super competitive.

You can get a maximum of 5 points for additional criteria. So if you have 200 hours of volunteer work then that's 1 point, if you have special circumstances like need to work, you get 1 point for each that applies to you. You also get 1 point per course taken that is considered student success coursework. So even though you may have volunteer, second language, or a million other classes you've taken, they still only give you a maximum of 5 points. So it sounds like you will have 19+5= 24/30 points. If you apply to cerritos in March, it's lottery system so they don't look at points it's all based on luck!

Yes I applied to lbcc and ill also apply to CSULB, gwc, and cerritos. Lbcc has another application in March you should apply to. Make sure you attend info session because it is a requirement for lbcc (and most nursing programs) in order to even apply

You can get a maximum of 5 points for additional criteria. So if you have 200 hours of volunteer work then that's 1 point, if you have special circumstances like need to work, you get 1 point for each that applies to you. You also get 1 point per course taken that is considered student success coursework. So even though you may have volunteer, second language, or a million other classes you've taken, they still only give you a maximum of 5 points. So it sounds like you will have 19+5= 24/30 points. If you apply to cerritos in March, it's lottery system so they don't look at points it's all based on luck!

Ahh, that's what I figured. Thanks for the clarification.

I also applied to Santa Ana, Saddleback, PCC, Rio Hondo, and Palomar. Here's hoping! If anything, I will definitely try Cerritos or LBCC. Thanks :)

I got an E-mail from LBCC. They asked my my social security #. The message was as follows.

Dear ADN Applicant,

In order to complete your application package, please provide me with the last four digits of your Social Security Number. You can email or call with the info, but it must be received for your application to be considered “complete”. If you have any questions, let me know.


I went to an info session for Cypress and they said the average points for their incoming classes are usually 28 and that the lowest is usually 26. They said that the best way to increase your chances is to get rid of those GE reqs.

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