

I work in a hospital in Tucson. I hear that some of the hospitals around here have been laying nurses off as of recent. I was just curious if anyone else has heard of this happening recently?

Specializes in ICU, Research, Corrections.

I haven't heard any rumors in Phoenix. A couple of months ago, my 300 bed

hospital would not renegotiate a contract with the main hospitalist's group

though. They hired ALL NEW doctors! It barely interrupted services for about

a week.

You know the economy sucks when doctors are being laid off!

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I remember reading about this online a few weeks ago in the Tucson newspaper ( I don't remember which hospital it was, though.

Amazing they could pull that off with the physician shortage.

Becker's Hospital Review - Arizona's Banner Thunderbird Medical Center Won't Renew Contracts With Physician Groups for ED Services [4911]

Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, Ariz., has decided not to renew contracts with two physician hospitalist groups for emergency department coverage and has instead opted to directly employ physicians for these services, according to a report by the Arizona Republic.

The hospital will temporarily contract with local physicians to provide ED services until employed physicians can be recruited. The hospital said the decision to employ physicians came about as a way to increase quality and patient satisfaction, according to the report.

I'd guess everyday hospital nursing attrition enables hospitals to slowly downside through burn-out, injuries, etc.

Specializes in Acute Rehab.

i have a friend that works at tmc and she said alot of nurses got laid off.

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