Published Aug 10, 2004
31 Posts
Took NCLEX this morning and had 265 questions!!! I am freaking out because I got the last question wrong. Is this an indicator of pass/fail????
happystudent, RN
552 Posts
Well? did you get your results yet? Im sending positive thoughts your way :)
183 Posts
took nclex this morning and had 265 questions!!! i am freaking out because i got the last question wrong. is this an indicator of pass/fail????
how do you know you got the last question wrong? this is not an indicator of pass/fail. the nclex is a computer adaptive test so it is trying to determine if you would basically be a safe nurse or not. the computer was trying to determine you capabilities of a safe nurse by the way you were answering them. it all depends on if you were above the line high enough to miss the last question in order to pass. if you were right there at the line and got the last question wrong it could fail you. or you could have been so far from passing that it did'nt matter if you got it right or wrong.
i am sure you did fine. just try to relax until you get the results. i paid to get my results in two or three days online. you just have to reside in a state where it is allowed. i paid $7.95. there was no way i could wait a month. i have so much anxiety. i could'nt even sleep. it was terrible.
good luck and try to find something to do to occupy your time.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
Nope, it only means you missed the last question. Hope by now you've found out one way or another. :)
TinyNurse, RN
692 Posts
I work with a new grad in my ER, and she passed with 265, best of luck to you!
xo Jen
54 Posts
I am reviewing to take my 2nd try of NCLEX after taking 265 questions. I decided to go the Kaplan way. Last night, I went through their Online lecture about how the test works. When you have 265 questions, it all depends on if this was an above the passing standard question or not. Was the question very hard? If it was an analysis or application based question than it was above the line. If the question was an understanding or recall/recognition question than it was below passing standard. I dont think it matters if you get it wrong or not depends on where in the line you are. There are many people who take 265 questions and PASS... Dont worry right now!! Good luck
392 Posts
I saw this too since I took Kaplan to prepare for boards..However, I believe that they said that how you answer the last question is important when you have 265 questions. To the best of my memory, this is how Kaplan explains it:
1) If you answer the last question correctly, but it is not a passing level question, than you will not pass. If the question IS passing level, then you pass the test.
2) If you answer the last question wrong, the test goes back and looks at the last 60 questions you answered. If they were ALL correct than you pass, if not, then you fail.
It is not impossible to pass at 265 questions, in fact I know more people that passed at that number than failed.