Published Jul 16, 2016
29 Posts
I'm not doing so hot with laChairty. The prioritization questions are the hardest for me. I seem to be doing better with the content and delegation questions though.
For those of you who have taken the NCLEX, would you say laChairty questions are harder, easier or similar to that or the NCLEXs?
I take my test in less than 2 weeks and I'm freaking out! I also finished the Uworld test bank with 64% average and a 70% average when I redid all the ones I got wrong. I HIGHLY recommend UWORLD for thoes who are looking into purchasing study materials!!
Thanks in in advance for your responses and best of luck to all the studying future nurses out there! WE GOT THIS!
128 Posts
Hello there! I have PDA and also currently doing UWORLD (about 500 Qs left), in my own opinion, most of the questions in La Charity are easier than UWORLD. I noticed that you have an excellent percentage in UWORLD. Most of the people here who passed and did one of the materials or both will tell you to relax and read or review the rationales. That's what I'm always reading here and yes they're right (because they've been there and done it!) Good luck and trust yourself!
58 Posts
What the person above me said! UWORLD is a lot harder than LaCharity. If you're doing good on UWORLD you should ace the nclex.