Lab values for NCLEX


I am studying for my NCLEX, and I am unsure of which lab values to follow? I have the exam cram book that is written by pearson.. is that what i should follow? (K 3.5-5.5 and normal adult HR 80-100) Thank you in advance!! :)

There's a study guide on NCSBN that gives the exact lab values you need to know for the nclex :-)!

Thank you for response!! Do you know where to find it at on the website? I am searching for it, but can't find it!

Go to nclex examinations. On the right you'll see test plans. Then you'll see the 2013 nclex test plan :)

I checked the test plan, and for lab values all it says is:

"„Identify laboratory values for ABGs (pH, PO2, PCO2, SaO2, HCO3), BUN, cholesterol (total) glucose, hematocrit, hemoglobin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1C), platelets, potassium, sodium, WBC, creatinine, PT, PTT & APTT, INR"

I think kay21 is asking about variations in what is considered 'normal' lab values. ie one book saying one thing like 1-5, and another book saying 2-6.

My experience with my study materials (kaplan, saunders, lipincott), is that lab values in questions are obviously abnormal or 'high normal'/'low normal'.

I hope this helps some.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

For any lab questions you get on the NCLEX the lab value will be way out of whack. Like a K+ of 8 obviously high and something you are probably going to want to do something about.

Yes, I was asking about specific value ranges and which to follow. I guess I will just stick with one book's info and hope for the best! thank you! :)

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