:( Kind of a downer post...


I'm having a moment where I feel like giving up. My NLN enterance exam is on thursday and I've dedicated a lot my time getting ready for it. However, after a long study session today...I just feel like flat out giving up. I don't know What my problem is...I am normally really determined about things. I know noone here can help me but I just felt like maybe venting to people who were going through the same stuff might help. I will feel so much better after thursday and even better after I get my results in so that I know my future. Sorry, I dont want to bring anyone down!

I'm having a moment where I feel like giving up. My NLN enterance exam is on thursday and I've dedicated a lot my time getting ready for it. However, after a long study session today...I just feel like flat out giving up. I don't know What my problem is...I am normally really determined about things. I know noone here can help me but I just felt like maybe venting to people who were going through the same stuff might help. I will feel so much better after thursday and even better after I get my results in so that I know my future. Sorry, I dont want to bring anyone down!

Chin up Jamie-sue, all us NLNers are right there with you as well as the rest of the allnurses.com family. The closer the test gets the more panicked you feel. You are not allowed to give up! You have worked to hard to just give up. Its almost over, so keep your chin up. You'll do great!


Specializes in CNA, RN Student.

The NLN is just one of the first of a plethora of obstacles you will face on your journey to nursedom. Hold your head up high and dive in--practice defeating what you fear. I assure you that you will be fine.

Seriously, you cannot give up. Someone needs to sing you a song or something. The theme song from Annie always seems to cheer people up when I sing it, though I think they would just really rather me stop. ha ha.

You have made it this far. Think about all the hard work you put into get here, and how all that hard work will soon pay off. We all get to points in our lives when we feel like giving up, but if we did that, we wouldn't get anywhere. I have been there a few times myself, but manage to get back up again, and things are always better once you forge through and conquer.

So, buck-up buckaroo, it's game-time. Put your game face on!!!

Thank you for all of the kind responses :) I am feeling a bit better tonight but I am still really stressed out and discouraged! Its tough..the anticipation. I am hoping that the test is easier then dealing wtih the wait to get it over with!! I will keep you posted on how I do. Thanks again :)

Don't worry Jamie-Sue..you'll feel better once it's over. It is so much pressure it can really be a downer but you'll be fine I'm sure...keep us posted

I hear ya, but just think of the relief you'll feel soon when it's over! In the past month I've taken the HESI, GRE, and TEAS and it's very easy to get worn out on the standardized testing. You've made it this far, try to focus on the bigger goal ahead and take it one step at a time. This is one more step that will be out of the way shortly. Even if you're feeling burnt out on studying, think positive and try your best - that's all we can do :)

Specializes in SNF.

Hey there...

empty your PMs I cannot send my message :)

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

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