Published Dec 13, 2005
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
So I was at the gas station today, and a sheriff's car drove by. Normally this wouldn't phase me one bit, but I couldn't help notice that this sheriff was picking his nose with such vigor I had to sit back and say...oh gee hope he is reaching gold!
Anyway...I then thought...hmmmmmm, us in the EMS and medical field are seen as professionals (usually only when we are in uniform) by the public, and what would someone else say if they saw one of us picking our noses with such enthusiam..LOL!
So, that leads to my funny question of ya all...what is it that you may do in the public eye (usually when you think they can't see you) that would be very embaressing?
For me, I think it would be those times I have bent down to the floor too many times and my scrub pants have wedged themselves ever so snuggly between my buttocks and I have to pull them out! More than that...the times when I do the "move the cheeks jig" to do it out of fear someone may see me pull the material in the backend...LOL! I must look like a happy leprechan dancing when I do it that way..LOL!!!!!!
How about you???? (keep it clean now..LOL!)...
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
:rotfl: , hope he found some gold.
Well, in previous experiences I was walking with my zipper down, very embarassing..............but to answer your question: Fixing my bra :rotfl:
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
After I stop laughing so hard, I might be able to answer this.
Just asked my hubby what his was (he is paramedic and always in the public eye), and he said one time he and his partner were singing really loud while going to post...several cars passed and slowed, but he didn't notice...guess they were singing and air jamming very hard (Dvldoc admitted to playing the air piano on his dash..while his partner played air drums).
Pretty soon they noticed people driving by laughing so hard! LOL! I can actually see is soooooo him! LOL!
551 Posts
I'm forever tugging up the straps of my bra.