Keep my cell phone......or landline


  1. Cell phone or home phone

10 members have participated

My hospital, I'm sure like the rest of yours texts me like crazy on my days off looking for help. This year when I was on vacation I was getting repeated texted from two different managers begging me to come in. I repeatedly told them I was on vacation and then get the apology text. Hours later same thing. This went on for FOUR days!! :mad: So my question is, wondering if I should just turn my home phone number in and take my cell off. That way on my days off no text. They need me they can call my house or if it's of major importance send a work email. And then maybe I can enjoy my days off. Any thoughts??

I give my cell. I used to pay per text, but it became to expensive.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

We have 'shift alerts' at work. You set these up online, you decide if you want an automated call, email, or text to notify you of urgent staffing needs on any unit you choose (only within your scope of acuity of course). If you choose to work the shift, you reply with the designated 4 digit # and if you're the first to reply you are confirmed and you automatically get scheduled. You ignore the alerts, no problem!

I turn off my phone during the day after a night shift. Nothing is too important to wake me up while I am trying to sleep. If I want overtime, I will pursue it. I wont come in to cover shortages if you call me, sorry. I don't just sit at home doing nothing, I have things planned when I am off, even if a typical plan means vegetating on the sofa with a movie in the DVD player.

Sent from my iPad using allnurses

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

another option is to block the numbers till you WANT to see them.

I just turn off my phone. Heck, I am on vacation and that includes the phone.

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