katrina-disaster planning


I'd like to know if anyone here knows of a site that can direct me to view or read the disaster planning/prioritization planning being done for the Katrina victims. I'm pretty sure that NCLEX may use this to test our ciritcal thinking as far as reacting to a disaster like this ( as to who to see first and who to rescue first). thank you!

The same that was in the article on disaster palnning that I beleive that I sent to you. This is the same formula used all of the time. Problem with Katrina was the flooding, so normal routes could not be used, but as you noticed first priority was to the living, and those that could be saved.

I'd like to know if anyone here knows of a site that can direct me to view or read the disaster planning/prioritization planning being done for the Katrina victims. I'm pretty sure that NCLEX may use this to test our ciritcal thinking as far as reacting to a disaster like this ( as to who to see first and who to rescue first). thank you!

There will not be specific questions about Katrina on the exam, exam questions have been selected in advance, same as there were never specific questions about 9/11 on the exams either.

A disaster of this magnitude is not something that you are going to see on an exam, because it is out of the realm of one person mananging all of it. That is what you would see on the NCLEX exam. If you came along a disaster, what would you do? Not who is there to help you, etc., but what would you do?

There will not be specific questions about Katrina on the exam, exam questions have been selected in advance, same as there were never specific questions about 9/11 on the exams either.

A disaster of this magnitude is not something that you are going to see on an exam, because it is out of the realm of one person mananging all of it. That is what you would see on the NCLEX exam. If you came along a disaster, what would you do? Not who is there to help you, etc., but what would you do?

I see....I've read the articles you've sent me on disaster planning. I just thought there might be other articles or reading materials pertaining to the Katrina rescue. Thanks again, Suzanne :)

No one ever thought of a rescue of this magnitude and hopefully we will never have to do this again.

This is something that you would not be tested on, only what is in the article that I sent you.

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