Kaplan Review Preparation for NCLEX RN

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello! I am a Filipino RN seeking license registration in Texas... I am expecting that BON will accept my CES report this July, and then I'm all done with BON requirements. I've been preparing for my NCLEX RN exam for months using Saunders compre, apps and ebooks that I downloaded online, I also do practice questions online. But this July, I started to really focus on reviewing and making notes since I plan to take the exam next month if there is available schedule. Now I want to try the Kaplan qbank for 1 month. I came across TWO websites of Kaplan, but then I hesitate to purchase because I am thinking that the other website might be a scam.

In this website How do you prefer to prep for the NCLEX-RN®?, there is no option for NCLEX-RN Qbank Options with Ebook.

But in this website: NCLEX Qbank | www.kaptestglobal.com, you will see an option of Qbank + ebook.

I really wanted to purchase the one with content review ebook, not just the qbank. Does anyone of you guys tried the latter website if that real? Thank you so much!

Wah, 10 years ago?! That could be hard and its like starting to study again like a nursing student, unless you've got a lot of nursing experience. But youre good because you still got high scores. You must be really patient and diligent in your review... i started scanning my notew and read saunders this february. But it july that i really focus on my review. I use a lot of review materials that i downloaded from torrent and free apps from google play. I also answer nclex questions online. My average has always been 60-70%. There are times i get 50% and 80%, im still worried. So i thought of purchasing kaplan and they say its more difficult. Then i read here about uworld. Is kaplan trainer the same as kaplan qbank? The one that cost $59 a month? I will pray for you kabayan�� bdw, what state are you registering your rn license? My weakness is also sata :(

Specializes in Internal Medicine, Endoscopy,HDU.
Wah, 10 years ago?! That could be hard and its like starting to study again like a nursing student, unless you've got a lot of nursing experience. But youre good because you still got high scores. You must be really patient and diligent in your review... i started scanning my notew and read saunders this february. But it july that i really focus on my review. I use a lot of review materials that i downloaded from torrent and free apps from google play. I also answer nclex questions online. My average has always been 60-70%. There are times i get 50% and 80%, im still worried. So i thought of purchasing kaplan and they say its more difficult. Then i read here about uworld. Is kaplan trainer the same as kaplan qbank? The one that cost $59 a month? I will pray for you kabayan�� bdw, what state are you registering your rn license? My weakness is also sata :(

I graduated BSN way back home 2006 and worked in a good hospital in Saudi Arabia for 6 years. So, you can imagine how hard it is for me to start studying again although there are questions where I based it on my own experience. I'm studying 10-12 hours a day 2 months ago then lately I realized 8 hours is enough. I might not be the best person to advise you because I'm not yet an USRN but If I were you start with the Uworld($49 I think), its a very informative and hardcore questions( they are not telling you what's the answer but they will explain why the other choices are not). Then proceed to Kaplan Qtrainers 1-7 ($59) and you will find Kaplan qbank easier. As I was saying, I didn't take the exam yet so I don't know really know the real set up of the real NCLEX. Are you in US? give me your email...

I highly appreciate all your comments and suggestions... Wow, 10-12 hours a day?!!! im hands down on you!!! .. i bought uworld yesterday $59 for 1month, i might also buy kaplan....i am here in the phils... ok here's my email, [email protected]... you? Thanks!

Specializes in Internal Medicine, Endoscopy,HDU.
I highly appreciate all your comments and suggestions... Wow, 10-12 hours a day?!!! im hands down on you!!! .. i bought uworld yesterday $59 for 1month, i might also buy kaplan....i am here in the phils... ok here's my email, [email protected]... you? Thanks!

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