Kaplan Qbanks


What level are Qbank questions? Is it entirely critical thinking questions?

Kinda worried, 34% used and my average score is 54%.

Specializes in orthopedic & HDU.
What level are Qbank questions? Is it entirely critical thinking questions?Kinda worried, 34% used and my average score is 54%.
Kaplan Qbanks are harder than nclex as most students was telling. Just keep working with it read Qs of why you got it wrong. I'm sure you get the grove of getting the right ones. Goodluck

Oh that makes me feel better. Yeah I plan on doing all my qbanks and of course qtrainers before I take the exam. I'm getting the hang of the flow of thinking required for picking the right answers for these questions.

I used Kaplan to prepare for my NCLEX, and reviewing the rationale/looking information up RIGHT AWAY really helped. I would take notes on points I thought I needed to remember, and went through them several times before NCLEX.

I took all the Qbank and all the Q-trainers... you'll find your scores improve if you study in between taking questions. :) I know it seems overwhelming, but you can do it!! Take some time for yourself and hang out with friends... don't study all day every day. ;)

Oh, and by the way, Kaplan wants you to shoot for 60-65% on Q-bank/trainers, but realistically, if you are in the 50% range, you're safe. They just want you to have a cushion for passing. But. Like I said... you'll probably see your scores improve after studying. :)

yeah reviewing rationale is really what takes the most time. I've been getting 60s to high 50s lately and its encouraging to see my improvement with these questions. I am however scared of SATA's. Most of the time I get them wrong on the qbanks. I know there isn't really a way to prepare for these questions. It's either you know them or you don't.

I'm shooting for 100 questions a day. Reviewing all the rationales afterwards. I have about 600 questions left in my qbank now. I'll take my Qtrainer 4 and 5 soon since I reached 50% of my qbank. (Which is Kaplan's instructions). Hopefully I'm ready by Jan 31st.

Awesome! :) Sounds like a great plan. Best of luck and I hope to hear how you do! :)

Specializes in orthopedic & HDU.

I'll be taking 4 days before you I wish I have a Kaplan to practice q banks. This will be my 3rd attempt. Hopefully il do well this time around.im doing Saunders question and the nclex3500 &4000.Goodluck to us.

I'll be taking 4 days before you I wish I have a Kaplan to practice q banks. This will be my 3rd attempt. Hopefully il do well this time around.im doing Saunders question and the nclex3500 &4000.Goodluck to us.

Oh wow, your probably feeling the pressure right now. I know I am. What are your scores for your Qbank and Qtrainers? I won't hesitate to reschedule if I do bad on qtrainer 6 or 7.

My Qbank right now is 50% completed and 56% average score :/

I plan on getting 60% at the end of this.

Also do you use the decision tree? I find it hard to use sometimes especially if the questions goes immediately to step 5 which is evaluate the outcome. :(

Specializes in orthopedic & HDU.

I don't have Kaplan. I wish I have One. It's a bit too much to my little pocket. Sounds like you are doing well.goodluck

hi when did u take ur exam? I am reviewing for mine right now using exam cram.

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