Published Jul 11, 2016
fustudent610, BSN, RN, EMT-B
1 Article; 50 Posts
I recently bought Kaplan and I'm on the fence if I should rely on their questions. I was planning on getting UWorld prior but what sold me on Kaplan was that it has a systematic approach in reviewing rather than just doing questions/rationale. I feel like I need structure. The downside that I already see is that the rationales aren't that great. But I'm just wondering how the questions compare to NCLEX questions and if Kaplan is enough. I don't want to bark up the wrong tree.
Did the ATI comprehensive today, get pinned 8/19, start the Kaplan class 8/22 and plan to take the NCLEX in October.
5 Posts
Hi fustudent I was wondering why you had to retake some of your classes for Fairfield. I have a coulple b-'s for my prerequisites. My GPA is 3.4, but still worried about what carole will think of those B-'s any guidance would be great. Do you think I will have to retake those ?
Question answered thanks
3 Posts
For me personally, I didn't like Kaplan's questions because they were a bit wordy and a tiny bit easier than the real test. Kaplan does have a systematic approach but again, that didn't really work for me. The decision tree just seemed so extra. I actually used UWorld and it's what helped me passed the second time. I absolutely love the rationales because they were concise and straight to the point. Also, they were harder than the test and each question makes you think critically which is very important in answering the questions.
However, I know for some of my classmates that passed their first time that used only Kaplan only. So there's that.
If you do decide to get UWorld, I would suggest doing all their questions and studying the rationales. Then take Kaplan's QTrainers and Readiness.