Juvenile Arthritis or Down's Syndrome and Cancer?


If you have a child with juvenile arthritis and Down's syndrome, which one would be more likely to get cancer? I would think that that since juvenile arthritis is an auto-immune disease, it would be more likely to happen in that case than a child with Down's syndrome. This was a discussion in class and some of us feel we were right. I tried finding information on any website, but am not having any luck. Does anyone have a website that would have this info? Thanks.

Try searching "risk for cancer Down syndrome" and " ... juvenile arthritis." You might also ask some nurse practitioners who work with these populations for leads. Your opinions aren't worth much without data. :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

You also need to consider what meds they are on for treatment and how the incidence os cancer compares to the treatment choices.

As a mother of a child with rheum arthritis, I would tend to believe it is the RA child. Many of the meds my son has been on have had a black box warning for lymphomas and other types of cancers. I also think an auto-immune disease like arthritis could increase your risk. But, this is not my clinical area, so it is just a guess.

RA children have about a 2-4 times higher chance of getting lymphoma type cancer and Down children have a 20 times higher chance of getting leukemia

RA children have about a 2-4 times higher chance of getting lymphoma type cancer and Down children have a 20 times higher chance of getting leukemia

See what you can find out when you search? Gold star, brithoover. :flwrhrts:

Now, OP, what does that mean? Compared to ... ?

Good work, brithoover!

References for those?

I work in peds heme/onc. We study from APHON text: Essentials of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing

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