Just wanted to say hi!

Specialties Rural


Hi! I am a newly hired RN at a rural hospital in Kansas. I have been working there for the past month or so as a GN and just found out today that I FINALLY have my RN license. I passed my NCLEX-RN with 75 questions on the first try! I am so excited! But now I am nervous. An RN license is such a responsibility! I want to learn as much as I can about my new profession. I feel like I am so inexperienced. Any tips, help, ideas about where to look for good information would be greatly appreciated! I am still on orientation so I know I won't be left completely alone for awhile, but I want to make sure that my orientation time is used wisely and I am fully ready to be left alone when the time comes. I do work days so I know that if I have problems there are other RNs in the building but I will be working the hospital side completely alone, eventually. I feel like my weakness is documentation, so any help with that would be appreciated! My last year in nursing school we went to computer charting and now that I am working in a rural hospital I have had to go back to paper charting with nurses notes and flow sheets. Any tips would be a great help! Thank you so much.

Specializes in ICU/CCU (PCCN); Heme/Onc/BMT.

Congrats on the new job and for passing the exam!


Paper charting. . . watch out for writer's cramp! :eek: :chuckle

Just be very aquainted with your hospital's policies on what to chart. I guess that would be a good start. I tend to chart too much. But then again, if I should ever go to court for whatever reason, I want to remember what I saw and what I did. Maybe someone can give you a more balanced point of view on written charting.

Our happy little, teeny-tiny hospital plans on going towards computer-based charting in the not too distant future. That means within a year or two or three or four or. . . . ;) :chuckle

Good luck with your new job! Cheers!:)


Specializes in Med-Surg.

edited. Sorry.........but congrats on passing the boards.

sounds like you are up and running. congratulations:balloons:

hi! i am a newly hired rn at a rural hospital in kansas. i have been working there for the past month or so as a gn and just found out today that i finally have my rn license. i passed my nclex-rn with 75 questions on the first try! i am so excited! but now i am nervous. an rn license is such a responsibility! i want to learn as much as i can about my new profession. i feel like i am so inexperienced. any tips, help, ideas about where to look for good information would be greatly appreciated! i am still on orientation so i know i won't be left completely alone for awhile, but i want to make sure that my orientation time is used wisely and i am fully ready to be left alone when the time comes. i do work days so i know that if i have problems there are other rns in the building but i will be working the hospital side completely alone, eventually. i feel like my weakness is documentation, so any help with that would be appreciated! my last year in nursing school we went to computer charting and now that i am working in a rural hospital i have had to go back to paper charting with nurses notes and flow sheets. any tips would be a great help! thank you so much.
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