Published Jun 5, 2018
5 Posts
Hello everyone!!!! I just took NCLEX and passed (in 75 questions) so I figured I would share my story/tips.
I have been a paramedic for 10 years, and went to an ADN program. Nursing school was not all that difficult for me, just learning a new way of thinking (from medic to RN) was challenging at times. I was an A/B student throughout school. I started studying for NCLEX in first semester. I know people are going to say, WHY?!? is what I did:
Bought a Saunders NCLEX review book. Studying one chapter a week.
Did the LaCharity Delegation and Prioritization book 4th semester
Kaplan Review throughout school (my school required it)
Hurst Review after 5th semester. (my school required this too)
My thoughts on Hurst: i felt it was too simple. It is ok if you need content review, but I did not feel it really helped me at all. You can do content review through the Saunders or other NCLEX review books for a LOT cheaper.
Kaplan: THIS is what helped me more than anything. NCLEX is HARD. Kaplan is the only thing I felt mirrored the NCLEX style questions. They are truly application and analysis type questions, which require critical thinking. I recommend doing Kaplan starting in 4th semester if your school does not require it throughout like mine did.
Do not wait until after nursing school to start studying for NCLEX. Do not wait too long to take NCLEX after nursing school either! Take it while it is fresh!
Like i said, I took 75 questions. There were things on there I did NOT study in school. Do not panic, use your base knowledge and always think ABC's, and safety.
You CAN do this. Be positive and tell yourself you will be an RN!!!!
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