Published Feb 24, 2006
130 Posts
hey yall. i just got done with my interview at UT. they did away with personal interviews and now about 30 people go in at a time and do a writing sample. i feel okay about it. i mean i couldnt really say what i wanted to say. we had to answer 3 questions. one of them was about how i plan to ensure success during the program (e.g. educational, financial, personal). for financial, i put that i have completed and submitted my financial aid application and that i also plan on getting a job this summer at a doctor's office to help with future financial responsibilities. i told my mom about what i wrote and when i told her that she was like "why didnt you mention your family?! blah blah." im just worried now b/c i feel that my answer for the financial part is stupid... and im worried about it now. what do you think of my response? is it dumb? be honest please..thanks
352 Posts
No, I don't think it's dumb. I think it's honest and that's what they're looking for. I think they want to make sure that they're selecting individuals who have thought this through and are not going to fly by the seat of their pants. Interviews, either in person or writing something done you don't know the question to beforehand, are always stressful. Try not to second guess yourself.
Now the really hard part begins; sitting back and waiting. Good luck!
39 Posts
Don't worry about it, I think you gave a good answer. Informing them that you plan on working during the summer shows responsibility. With the financial aid you should be fine. If you still don't have enough, try nursing scholarships or local hospitals.
Kim O'Therapy, BSN, RN
773 Posts
Besides, how much can you really "say" in three inches of space? LOL
14 Posts
independence is never dumb. Finding a way on your own instead of relying on your family shows determination. Great answer good luck and let us know
2,327 Posts
Did you apply at UT Health Science Center in SA? What else did they ask, if you don't mind....I will apply next spring. The reason for their question is to make sure that you will be able to pay for your school, they don't want people who need to drop out because they can't afford to pay for nursing school. Don't worry about it because you told them that you applied for financial aid....most people finance their education that way. Good luck and I hope you will be accepted.