Joke..You know you are truly an ER nurse if...


Thought this was way to true...:yeah:

You are either dating or sleeping with a fireman, a cop, or a doctor. If not you claim to hate them because you have either a. been cheated on by them b. too old or ugly for anyone to date you c. a male nurse

Your greatest fear is to crash in your car on your way to work knowing you would end up at your hospital with your closed ripped off with the ER pervert staring at you.

Your form of birth control is all the radiation from all the x-ray techs who forget you are behind the curtain

You think everyone who comes in for pain is a drug seeker, but give them drugs anyway, complaining to yourself about it and everyone who will listen

The words "the waiting room looks empty" will cause an emergency to happen "immediately"

You are angry for no reason, have no form of emotion and tell the grossest stories and jokes without blinking an eye

You wait for the "super nurse" who thinks they know everything to do something dumb.

You think it is funny to drink applejuice out of a urine cup

You give special nursing dosing for "special patients" who are a little to awake for your taste

You know that most of the drug seekers are the nurses you work with, not the patients

Every time you claim to be good at IV's or good at pediatric IV's, you miss, the ropes, huge enough for an 16 gage.

You laugh at inservices on sterile technique, knowing very well you have bit off needle tops and inserted Foley catheters into every hole without getting a new one.

You work night shift just to avoid working with the day shift crew and vice versa

You find yourself having "liquid breakfast" at the bar when you get off your shift in the morning.

Your sense of humor seems to get more "warped" each year.

You find yourself laughing with co workers during codes and you don't know how you became so emotionless.

You don't care when your co-workers hate you because "it wouldn't be an ER" if everyone was nice

You have a strong dislike for ICU nurses and vice versa and you do not know why

You've told a confused patient your name was that of your coworker and to HOLLER if they need help.

Almost everything can seem humorous ... eventually.

When checking the level of orientation of a patient, you aren't sure of the answer, and you don't care.

Your techs get angry or hide when you ask them for help with anything that involve urine, crap or helping.

You constantly think about the one day you will be that old lady in the bed who can't move and you get really scared.

You find vilals, syringes, needles, tape and pens in your dryer.

You find yourself loving scrubs, because no one can tell how fat you are getting.

(I found this on

Specializes in ER.

Excuse ME, but I am not. I am married to an icu nurse, not a cop, medic or fire fighter. My brother is the medic and fire fighter. I used to be an emt. :-p

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