Published May 10, 2016
15 Posts
I have 28 years of adult RN Hospital experience. I no longer want to care for patients or their families. I am looking for suggestions as to what kind of work to seek and what kind of additional training I would need and where to find it. I've thought about informatics, utilization review, insurance companies and chart reviews. I don't think case management would be a good choice as I am sick and tired of patients and their families and would like something far away from them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
3,726 Posts
I don't know if it's changed but I've done onsite UR for an insurance company. I worked with staff, no patient contact, and was proactive in providing auth and keeping things rolling along to avoid unnecessary admission days without having to deny many days, it was a good working relationship and I did unearth some delays in care. In other words I was proud of my work, it wasn't just about denying wasted days, I helped as well. Paid well.
What type of training would help get me in the door? I would love a position like that.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I know you said that case management would not be a good fit for you, but I am a CM who works from home for a major insurance company. Since I work from home most of the time, my patient contact is minimal.
Where would I look for that kind of position? That would be great! Thank you
Thank you! I will. Is there any certifications that would be helpful to get?
mmc51264, BSN, MSN, RN
3,317 Posts
I just finished my first semester if informatics. I love it! there are many options, some you can work from home, right now, for a practicum, I am working with SON to help teach students charting in the SIM lab.
Thank you, I didn't realize one could work from home, that would be great.